Wolf Girl

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                                                                         ( DaKota^^^) 

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                                                                         ( DaKota^^^) 

I walked downstairs to the rich smell of farm-fresh eggs, bacon, and waffles. It made my stomach growl and made my nerves go all fuzzy inside. "Good morning." Every one said at the same time, I wasn't surprised Ash stayed over last night. 

"Morning!" I said and took the plates from the cabinets and placed them on the table. I took my place at the table, next to Ashley. Ash was across from Caleb, and my parents were at the ends of the table. 

Before we dug into our delicious breakfast we joined hands and bowed our heads. "Lord, thank you for blessing us with this nutritious meal, letting us live another day, and doing what we love. Thank you for letting us have our daughter and sister back and keeping her safe. Thank you for a great life. Amen." My father said and then we all finished the Amen, together. 

Mom put the big spoon in the eggs and we passed the very hot dish around. I took two scoops of the eggs, three slices of bacon, and just one Belgium waffle. "Mom, this looks good." I said to her and she just smiled at me. "So Caleb, Ash, when's the wedding?" I ask them and they both smile, probably at the thought of them being together forever. 

"July 18." Ashley said and I smiled, holy that is just around the corner!! 

"Oh my goodness, that's really soon!!" I gasped and they both nodded towards me, while Caleb was scarfing his food down his throat, he was always a messy eater. Best of luck to Ashley.

"Do you want to review some things with me later today?" Ash asks me and I turn towards her and nod with a sweet smile. 

After breakfast the girls cleaned everything up and washed and dried the dishes, now it was time for chores. I pulled my very long hair into a high ponytail and pulled on my Ariat square toe boots and started walking to the barn. 

It was a really nice morning, already about 60 degrees, it was perfect. I walked through the huge barn doors and went to the feed area, and decided to start with the pigs. I loved the pigs, even though they were loud, and kinda disgusting, they had a cute thing about them. I poured their feed into a bucket and walked out to their pen, where they were squealing when they saw me, or the bucket of food.  


It was about ten o'clock when I was done with my chores, and now it was time to take a warm and relaxing shower. Having to shovel poop and be around dirty animals didn't leave a good smell on you, plus the sweat I worked up didn't help.

I walked up to my room and took off my shirt, leaving me in a sports bra and jeans. I looked for box that was labeled, 'Bathroom', and I threw it on my bed and opened it. I unpacked the box and it all went into the bathroom in my room, and it was the only boxed unpacked..

I felt great when I was done with my shower, I felt energized and I was getting excited to go to the diner. I looked at myself in the mirror when I was moisturizing my face. I was one of the few girls who actually liked their natural look, not to be self centered though. I don't know how, but  my natural face glowed and looked smooth and young. I already had long eyelashes, so that also gave me an edge, and my dark hair complemented my face and skin tone. 

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