Dammit Mom!

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                           ******** COOPER ********

I groaned once my alarm clock went off, and I rolled over and lazily turned it off. I rolled back onto my stomach and pulled my other pillow over my head. After convincing myself to actually get up and take a shower, I toss the pillow by the foot of the bed. When I reopen my eyes, I see a frame from where my pillow use to lay over. 

I picked up the frame and instantly regret it. It was the picture of me and DaKota. I remember this day like it was yesterday when we were sneaking around from her father. I smiled to myself remembering how fearless she was, God I miss her. I put the frame back where it was on the night stand and then I roll out of bed and head to my bathroom and take a shower. 

Once I'm done taking a shower, I wrap a towel around my waist and then step out. I turn down my Cody Jinks station and then wipe my hand across the fogged mirror and look at myself through the mirror. My hair was starting to get shaggy but I didn't mind, as long it didn't look too shaggy. I have a reputation to uphold. 

I didn't bother to put a shirt on when I went down to breakfast. My brother was at the table eating his favorite cereal, Lucky Charms. He did the thing where you eat the other things first, and saved the marshmallows for last. "Morning buddy." I said as I messed up his hair. 

"Where's your shirt?" He asks me with a funny face. I look down at my bare torso and at my jeans and my belt buckle. 

"Couldn't find one that I liked." I joked with him. 

"You sound like mom." He says and I laugh as my mom's jaw drops. 

"Watch it pal!" My mom can't help but laugh at Reese. Man I missed him a lot when I was in jail. 

Jail, not the worst place in the world, but I wouldn't recommend it. The first six months were slow as hell because of a certain someone, but after that, it wasn't too bad. My cell mate was pretty cool, he was like me, locked in for being innocent. His name is Matthew. We got pretty close in there and we talk through text daily because he's originally from Wyoming and I obviously live here. While I was in there, he let me drown him in my feelings about DaKota and he gave me good advice, some which I took other ways, but still good advice. 

I flipped through the channels on TV in the living room while I ate my cereal, Captain Crunch with berries. I saw Life Below Zero and I clicked on it and starting to indulge in it, taking mental notes for future references. I always saw me and DaKota living in the mountains one day, we are both pretty handy and tough as barbed wire. We could definitely do it. I mean, we could have done it. 

As I'm watching the show, I hear a pickup coming down our drive. I stand up bringing my cereal bowl with me and stand in front of the window to get a better look. I didn't recognize the pickup, but as it got closer I read, "Jones' Animal Rescue and Hospital." Then I saw her. 

It brought back the feelings of when I saw her in church. I couldn't believe it when I saw her. She was more beautiful from the last time I saw her. Her white shirt made her look like an angel, an angel who could fix anyone, an angel who fixed me. When we locked eyes during communion, I felt, well I can't explain it. I felt everything: pain, anger, sadness, loneliness, I was ecstatic to finally see her. But I couldn't let her see that. I kept my face neutral, because I know she could read my facial expression better than anyone else. 

I also couldn't help notice Ryder Baker scoot closer to her and see him glaring at me. I'm not sure if he was trying to look intimidating trying to get his point across, or he was trying to comfort DaKota in some way. I'll admit it, it hurt like hell to see her with him. Especially when I saw them cuddled up in a booth and kissing and laughing. It was so good to see her smile, she had the most beautiful smile I had ever seen. I couldn't ruin that for her. 

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