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Last night was the worst sleep I've had in a long, long time. Not only did I have more of the attack night terrors, but I couldn't stop thinking of different scenarios of how today is going to go. I honestly don't know why I am so freaked out about what will happen, I mean if we hid this for this long, we can find another way to get around my father. 

I secured the halter on Pharaoh and I grabbed the lead rope and walked him over to the hitching post and tied him off here. I didn't feel like saddling him, so I just grabbed a saddle blanket and a bridle. I undid his halter and then put it around his neck, and then got him to get his bridle on. I flipped his reins over his head and then adjusted his saddle blanket evenly and then hauled myself up. 

I gave him a nice pat on the neck for standing nice while I got on and then I directed him to the road. I decided I could treat him into seeing his other horse friends from the other houses around here.  

Even from my ride, I still didn't have an idea for the upcoming argument with me and my father. I'm not so worried about my dad yelling at Cooper, because in the end its going to be me and my father at each others throats, that, I know for sure. Maybe if I go to the diner, it will take my mind of things and help me relax. After letting Pharaoh into the pasture, I walked over to the porch where I saw a package on the steps. I looked closer and it was addressed to me, what could it be? Oh! Its Cooper's necklace! I'm so excited to see it!! I grabbed the package and jogged up to my room and grabbed a scissors and opened it. 

The necklace already came in a black velvet box so I didn't have to wrap it or anything. I opened the box and there it was, it was so beautiful! I put the box on my desk and then went to my closet to change into some Rock and Roll Revival jeans, my hand tooled belt with buckle, and a plain dark gray tee shirt, and just put my hair into my natural wave ponytail. 

Cooper should be here in about ten minuets to receive his gift that he doesn't know of, but in the mean time, I'm helping wait tables. It was somewhat busy being one o'clock, but it was manageable. I took an order ticket to the kitchen and put it on the order wheel deal thingy. When I did that, I took two orders to the right table. "Here you guys go, two cheese burgers with sweat potato fries. Anything else I can get you?" I asked them with a kind smile. 

"No dear, thank you." Mrs. Stevens says to me and then I walk away. Mr. and Mrs. Stevens are the cutest old couple here! Every time they come here they order the exact same as each other, and almost always get something different every time. They say they still like to try new things together, how cute is that? 

As I came back from the kitchen I heard the bell call ring a couple of times and I went behind the counter and I saw Cooper there with his famous smirk plastered on his face. He was wearing a maroon Hooey hat that had quite a few dirty spots on it, but it still looked good on him. Then he was wearing a loose black tee and some jeans. "Oh Cooper, your orders in the back, follow me." I say as people were around us. 

Cooper follows me around the counter and comes to the break room without a soul seeing us. I closed the door behind us and turned towards him, "What's up?" He asked me. 

"I just wanted to give you something." I cheekily said as I pulled the box out from my pocket and handed him the box.

"Shouldn't you be on one knee?" He joked with me, earning a light push in the arm. "And you shouldn't of got anything for me, I don't need anything." 

"I know, but you're always giving me nice things, I thought you deserve it too. Now open it!" I say excitedly looking at the box. 

He hesitantly looks at me and then looks at the box and opens it and he smiles when he sees the necklace, "DaKota, this is too expensive-"

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