Oh Man

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After I was done washing my face, I looked at myself in my full-length mirror. I looked at my long hair that probably needed a trim soon, I didn't mind it, it was my mother who hounded on me. The next thing that caught my attention made me shiver. It was the horrid scar on my upper leg that Wade gave me. The scar started from my hip and ran down 4 inches to my leg. 

The scar originated in Bismarck and the story of the scar is staying in Bismarck. No one knows about it and I plan on keeping it that way. I did a good job hiding the scar, usually covered by shorts or my jeans, but when I went swimming with the girls, I just wore some jean shorts. I just told people I had a rash or something. 

I pulled my shorts down and decided it would be best if I walked away from the mirror to stop reliving that night. Instead I went over to my closet an pulled out a pair of Cowgirl Tuff jeans and a black tank top and pulled my hair into a high ponytail. I was going to the diner to go meet River for breakfast and then we planned on riding later at home. 

River and I have been going out for little under two weeks, and it's been going pretty well. Okay, I lied.  I mean it's been going okay and all, but there's something in me that is tugging on something that is making me feel unsatisfied, but River is doing everything right. He's really nice and caring which is very important to me, but sometimes he acts strange. He hardly likes to talk to my family, and he barely likes to check cattle with me or even rope. He always makes up an excuse to get out of it, and my family has noticed. Everyone has actually.

My dad and my brother always make fun of River because they think he is a sissy-boy because he doesn't do those things with me, but I think he has good reasons not to. Coming from me, I consider the real reasons behind an excuse. I don't know how many times Caleb has asked me why I am dating him, and I tell him every time, "He is a real nice guy and he likes me and I like him." I think that's a good enough answer. 


By myself at a booth at the dinerI looked to see what time it was, 9:15. Great. River was suppose to meet me here 15 minuets ago. I dropped my head in my hands and sighed. I picked my head up and looked to my right, "Maybell." I said getting her attention and she gave me a sympathetic look and come around the island and to my table. 

"Has he called you explaining himself?" She said as she placed her hand on her hip.

"No, but after I'm done ordering my food I'm going to call him." I say as I give her my menu and she raises her eyebrows, "I'll take french toast, with a side of two scrambled eggs. Orange juice please." I say and she nods and then goes to the kitchen. 

I open my phone and go to call River. 




"Hello?" A very groggy-sounding River picks up the phone. That bugger is still sleeping! 

"Hi, yes, this is your dense headed brain reminding you that you have a date with your girlfriend at her diner at 9:00 and it's 9:17." I fake being sweet and then he groans. 

"Oh DaKota, I am so sorry! I am on my way!! I am so sorry again sweetie." He said and I could hear him getting out of bed. 

"Okay, bye." I said and then I hung up the phone. 

"Boyfriend troubles?" A voice comes from behind me and I look to my right and a body crossed my vision and then I heard the booth seat make a sound from a body sitting down. 

I looked up and there was Mr. Cooper Blackwood with his devilish smirk. Just great, I did not need him getting involved right now. I haven't talked to him in a week, ever since the night he figured out I was dating River. "I guess you could call it that." I sigh and finally look him in his eyes.

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