Why Me

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"Ow" I screeched as skin felt my mothers' touch.

"I'm so sorry, sweetheart" My mothers' eyes showed nothing but heartache as she looked into my eyes.

"It's fine just, please don't do it again." I mumbled, looking at the two burns on each arm. I knew it hurt her to know that she couldn't express her love nor touch me, not once in my life.

Here's my story.

I am Carmella Bloodstone. I'm a 16 year old hybrid. I'm one of few hybrids in my families bloodline. My father Drew Bloodstone is a combination of a werewolf and vampire while my mother is a witch and part human. I have been cursed my entire life for being a hybrid. Since birth I have had little to no skin contact. The curse was placed upon me because I was the first born of two rare species that were combined unintentionally, meaning that my parents weren't in there right state of mind when I was conceived. So the witches who soon learned my mother was pregnant cursed me so that I never could be touched due to my parents circumstance. I had a slight chance of living because of the burning feeling I felt in my mother's whom. Soon after my mother pleaded to the highest witches they delayed my curse till I was apart of this world. So every time I get touched purposely or by accident I get burned at the source and sometimes it burns the person who made contact with my skin. There is a way to break the curse, but my parents never told me because of all the pain I would have to indoor.


I walked from my comfy bed to the bathroom. In complete pain from the hug my mother gave me. As I headed to the bathroom my senses tingled as the smell of bacon, eggs, and apple pancakes. I quickly hoped into the shower, brushed my teeth, washed my face, wrapped my self in a towel and sprinted to my room, straight into the closet. I grabbed my under garments, a pair of black ripped jeans and slipped on a light grey baggy sweatshirt. I ran down stairs knowing that all the food would be gone if I weren't at the table in time. Luckily my mother had just turned the stove off as I leaped from the fourth step into the kitchen, landing behind my mother hugging her from behind.

"Yes, I'm not late" I said as I grabbed a plate out of the cabinet and sat down on a stool tucked under the counters, quickly pilling my plate with food before I heard my father and my brother rush down the stairs.

"Good morning, sugar." He said as he kissed my moms' forehead while wrapping his arms around her.

"Eh-hem" My brother and I saying in unison, quickly turning our heads to growl at each other.

"Good morning to you too, kiddos."

"Good morning" I sang as I finished my plate putting it into the dish washer.

"Alright, you too listen up. Your mother and I are going out of town for a council meeting, we are leaving you in the care of the house. Only a few friends may be allowed over. No more than fifteen people in this house. Am I understood?"

Daniel (my brother) and I nodded our heads, but my dad shook his head.

"A verbal response" He said as he looked at us straight in the eye.

"Yes, sir." I said as I saluted him and went to get my backpack.

"Daniel?" My father asked waiting for his answer.

"Yea, sure" he said after putting his plate in the dish washer grabbing his bag and his keys heading toward the door.

"Okay, see you guys when you get back" I said as I ran through the front door to Daniels's car trying to avoid walking to school.

"Finally" Daniel said as he pulled off the drive way into the streets.


After that long car ride, we finally made our way to the courtyard of Whitestone highschool.

Soon the bell rang, teens flooded the halls trying to find their first period. I quickly pulled my sleeves over my hands to avoid getting burned. Soon I found my first period, I was standing outside the door soothing the pain in my finger, ( someone accidentally touched me ) when the burn finally simmered down as I finally opened the door. At that moment I had walked through the door I saw the most beautifully built, sculptured, face and body I could have ever seen. I quickly scrambled to the seat behind him so that I could admire him from a far.

45 minutes into class he turned and looked at me while I was drawing in the textbook.

"Staring isn't nice" I whispered as I continued drawing.

"I'm sorry, I just like what I see" he chuckled lowly.

I smirked "When we learn each others' names I'll respond to that."

"Well my name is-" his sentence was cut by the bell.

I gathered my stuff just as he gathered his, but he sat down while I stood up. I walked next to him and bent down to whisper in his ear.

"It's nice to meet you, No-name." I then leaned up and walked out the classroom, closing the doors behind me. I headed to my locker, #274 it had only been a hour and I was already sick of carrying my bag around. I quickly placed my books in my locker grabbing my things for second and third period realising that I had one minute and twelve seconds to get across the school to my next class. Once again I came into a classroom ( with no burns ) to see No-Name sitting in the back of the classroom, looking as if he had been waiting for something or someone to walk through the door. As soon as I sat down ( once again behind him ) he leaned back and said.

"My name is Damon"


Yellow, it's me the author I hoped you like the first chapter.
Btw, the girl at the top of the screen is Carmella.
Anyone who reads this, Damons picture is next.

Alright, Byeeeeee

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