Forgiveness on his behalf

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Damon P.o.V

"We're staying here tonight" I said with confidence

"Um, I don't know...." she trailed off, she's so cute when she does that. As I looked up she started to back away back towards the front door. I was automatically in front of her,

"We're staying here tonight." I said in a period tone. As I said that she backed up even more. I could hear the slight hi gel of her nails gliding down the door.

Would she really try to run  from us. My wolf said, anger building up in his voice.

Will you shut up, I can feel her uncertainty, I mean we have her backed against the door.

She will not leave me, she is MINE. He growled out he was breaking the cage door between us, I could feel me losing the battle, every now and then I would see the look of horror cross Carmella's face as she contemplated on wether  to run or hide.

At the last moment she pushed through the door right as I lost control. My wolf took over and I shifted out of anger. As she ran my wolf hastly trailed her growling and even howling. I heard the faint calls of her yelling for her dad. As I got out of the woods, slowed down to a stalking pace, slowing creeping up to the house.

I could see and hear her cries as I growled from her being closer to another male. Her father instantly passed her off to her mother and returned with my father and her brother. They left the door open and I could see carmella struggling to calm down, ignoring the alphas and soon to be alpha I stared at her. I wanted to comfort her even if my wolf looked like a rouge right now.

As her father stepped in front of me blocking my wolf from getting closer to her, he growled and snapped his jaws at him. They tried there alpha tones on me but I could care less. My mate was first priority not submission, to any one or any thing. Then they started to speak of my mate.

" Hey look, how scared your mate is, doesn't it hurt to see your mate in pain. Wouldn't you do anything for your mate. You have to be calm for your mate. If you calm your self you can comfort her. Domt you want to help your mate, the one you love."

At the end of the semi-speech I laid on the floor, calming down. I wanted to be next to her. Comfort her. Protect her.

After they saw I was calm they allowed be in the house. I was forced to stay in the kitchen, to pass time I paced. Every now and the getting a glance at her. I was linked to go down to the basement. I sat on a rug a crossed from a chair, I'm guessing where she would sit.

Her father brought her down stairs and then started to walk away and she whimpered. Her father stopped and looked over his shoulder at her while I sat up in alert, I could tell her father was mind liking some one by his glossed over look. He waited at the end of the steps till Daniel came down. They shared a nod then Daniel came and sat next to her.

I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. My wolf whimpered,  also putting g his head o  the floor..
I didn't think I would lose control like that, it's just when you said you didn't feel safe, I went into possessive mode. Well more like my wolf. I don't want you to hate me. I am really sorry. I'll do anything for your forgiveness. Please just don't leave. By th end i had crawled to her and laid my head on hrr lap.

I then stared at her dark brown eyes, making her also stare at mine. I could feel her emotions pour out as she wrapped her arms around my wolfs head and dragged him into hrr neck. She cried into my fur occasionally getting a few burns and bruises, it was getting worst and I tried to pull away but she didn't want to let go. I decided to put her on the floor so i pulled her out of the chair and laid her on the floor. Shr was still attached to my head, and I laid on top of her. I could feel her getting cold. I had started licking at the bruises and burns, calmly soothing them. I eventually sat up, shifted back. When I was back human form I tightly hugged her. I kept whispering in her ear.

I'll never hurt you, I get rid of my wolf before I hurt you.
I hteld onto her for the longest time, fearing that she would leave. My mom had came down and left a sweat suit on the stairs. I quickly put it on. After I picked her up and then put the carpeted rug and found a fuzzy black and purple blanket. I wrapped it around her and laid down next to her, I turned her around and pulled her into my chest. She cuddled into me and I couldn't hold back my purr. I heard her laugh and I opened a eye to look at her,then I sighed and closed my eye. I then laid a kiss to her temple and fell asleep.

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