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Carmella P.o.V

School finally somewhere else to go other than the kitchen and Damon's  room. I kinda remember school, that's the place where I got that flashback of that girl getting her wrist bruised. I figured that out a few days ago.

After breakfast I went to my room, I have been wearing sweats since I lost my memory. Damon didn't seem to care he said I was beautiful anyway. But now I have to care what I wear. i didn't notice Damon come in but when I did I turned and gave him a questionable look. He said 'Nothing to revealing, I don't like to put what's mine on show.' Bless his heart.

I had started getting really comfortable around Damon so I didn't shoo him out. He just laid back on my bed and started scrolling on his phone. How he was already dress, I don't know.

We went down stairs, Damon grabbed his keys and we headed out the door.

I really liked Damon's truck, I wish I had my own. On the way to school Damon put his hand on my thigh.

"Look, I haven't mark you yet, and I don't know when your next heat will be, but I know it's soon. The principal has change around our classes so your in some of mine and I'm in some of yours. So basically we'll be in every class together."
"I have to spend every class with you?"
"Yes, is something wrong?" He asked gripping my thigh along with the steering wheel, side glancing me.
I sighed. "No." His grip loosend up and he breathed out.
"What's wrong..." It was my turn to breath out, while I did so I turned and faced him.
"Can I at least have one class away from you-" He growled. "Let me finish, I love you and all but I don't always wanna be with you. I wanna do somethings on my own."
"Which class?" He looked a little disappointed, I didn't mean to hurt his feelings it's just being around someone to much bugs me.
"Why gym?" He questioned, once again gripping my thigh.
"Because I can get my exercise without you telling me to not do this or that because there's a risk of me getting hurt."
"That's the exact reason I want to have the same you with me, I like the feeling of being protective."
"Pleeeeaaassee, I'll give you kisses." He pulled into the school parking lot and parked the car. Then he turned to me. "Do you really want to have gym as the class we're not together in?"
"Yes, please." He sighed.
"Yaaaaaaaayyyyyyy! LET'S GOOOOOO!" I said already reaching for my door handle. Damon instantly locked the door, I turned and frowned.
"Let's go" I whimpered pulling his arm. "First, never yell like that again, my ears are literally ringing and second, I get a kiss." He said as he puckered his lips. I leaned over the console getting on my knees on the chair and quickly kissed his forehead while hitting the unlock button behind him. As soon as I heard the click I hopped out of the car and took off running. I forgot my backpack but I knew Damon would bring it so I kept going not paying attention where I was running as I was watching Damon's face. I suddenly hit something hard and bounced back hitting the ground. Before I actually hit the ground the walls arm grabbed my jacket and pulled me back up.
"You okay there shortie?"
"I'm f-fine"
"Aww, your a stutterer."
"The only reason I stuttered is because I've never witnesses a murder before my eyes, but I guess that's about to change."
"And why is that button?" He said looking into my eyes, did I mention were like 5 inches apart.
"Cause I can see my mate in the corner of your black eyes, about to rip you to shreds" I said.

That didn't make him suddenly jump out of his position all he did was lean closer to me a whisper in my ear.
"I'm so scared, but before I go take care shortie." I gasped a he nibbled on my earlobe. After he was still holding me close he leaned up and looked at Damon. I dipped my head back and saw him fuming. There were multiple veins showing in his neck he was red and his eyes were also red. I could tell his inner dragon was burning to get out.

"DROP. HER. NOWWW." He roared, I swear the flipping school shook, and let's not forget the ground.

"I would never drop this jewel." He said smirking looking back at me. One think I really need right now is my memory. I can't tell if we're best friends and we play around like this, or if he just a random guy.

Everything else was a quick flash. I saw red, Fire Red, Then all of a sudden fire was in somebody's hand. Once my vision had focused I was in Damon's arms and the guy was the one with fire in his hand. Victoria had the sudden urge to take place so I let her.

Victoria P.o.V ( Long time no see. )

It was Will. Will I know him from everywhere. He was my mentor when my parents said I could go to a training school since we couldn't stand being in a regular school.

"WILL!" I screamed and ran into his arms. Not really caring if I got burned. I haven't seen him in forever.

"VICTORIA, I knew I've know you from somewhere." He said.

"Victoria" I heard my mate growl. That oh-so sexy growl. I immediately ran to him, he instinctively wrapped his arms around me. I started kissing him, being sexual fustrated and not having control in someone's head sucks, especially being around you mate twenty four seven. I back him up as we started kissing roughly, "FŮCK, I've missed you." I growled out to him. Once I felt him against stop against a car I started to grind onto him. Damn I wanted him.

To be continued.....

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