Anger and Love

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"Um, I don't know..." I mean I kind of trust him, but I want my memories before I'm completely alone with someone. I started to back away towards the door. He looked up and was instantly in front of me.
"We're staying here." He said in a 'end of conversation tone'. I backed up even more until I came in contact with what I think is a wall. I rubbed my hand and felt a handle. Ok, I have a one option. I can shift and run, no he'll catch me. I could just run, but he's still faster than me. Um, may. What do I do I don't want to stay here. I wanna go home.
Trust him, it'll be alright.
But, I want to go home. "I don't feel safe here" My eyes widened, I didn't mean to say that out loud.
He froze.
He started to shake, he was turning red, you could practically see the steam. His eye were flickering. He was easily losing the fight of control over his wolf.
What, I can't outrun him.
We'll help you. A new voice said.
Who are you?
No time, RUN.
By the time I got back to reality Damon or his wolf were still fighting for control. His eyes flickering more frequently. I quickly whipped open the door and traced the sent of home. I pushed myself to run, but I had picked up quite the speed. I hadn't realized I was crying till I started to slow down, but still hastily approaching my home. I started to scream.
"DAD" by the second time I screamed the front door flew open and I ran into my fathers embrace and held onto him tight. I started crying harder, and within a few seconds a livid pure white wolf was charging towards the house. Teeth barred, eyes the color of obsidian, prowling toward us. My father was yelling, but all I could hear were bells ringing continuously in my ears. I was soon passed of to a woman, she tried to calm me down, she was struggling. My father and two other men, carefully walked outside. They circled the wolf saying things to calm him down. I caught a few words.

Scared....hurt....anything for.....calm.......comfort

The wolf finally started to calm down, but he wouldn't shift. My father and the others soon came in with the wolf slowly strolling behind them. My father walked up to the woman cradling me and squatted to my level.
"He won't shift back, because he shifted out of pure anger. He won't be normal until sometime tomorrow. He does want to see you though.....only if you want to see him too." He said this occasionally looking over his shoulder at the wolf pacing in the kitchen.

I nodded and he picked me up and walked me down to what seemed to be a basement and sat me in a chair. Then the wolf trotted down the stairs, and sat about three yards away on a rug, he looked away from me. My father started to walk away and I whimpered. My father stopped and looked over his shoulder at me while the wolf sat up in alert, my father gave me a glossed over look, then what looked like he came back out of his trance, he waited at the end of the steps till a young man who looked a little older than me came. He gave my father a nod then came and sat next to me.

I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. The wolf put his head on the floor, and let out a whimper.
I didn't think I would lose control like that, it's just when you said you didn't feel safe, I went into possessive mode. Well more like my wolf. I don't want you to hate me. I am really sorry. I'll do anything for your forgiveness. Please just don't leave.
By the time he had said his apology, he had crawled to me and laid his head on my lap.
He made me look into those now dark brown eyes, I couldn't hold in my emotions. I wrapped my arms around the wolfs head and dragged him into my neck. I cried into his fur occasionally getting a few burns and bruises, it was getting worst but I didn't want to let him go. He had pulled me out of the chair and laid me on the floor. I was still attached to his head, and he laid on top of me. I guess he could feel me getting cold. He had been lapping at the bruises and burns, calmly soothing them. I eventually sat up, he was starting to shift back. When he was back his human form he tightly hugged me. He kept whispering in my ear. The thing he said most was.
I'll never hurt you, I get rid of my wolf before I hurt you.
He held onto me for the longest time, I had finally realized that the guy from earlier had left a while ago, he scent was faded now. Another woman had came down stairs and noticed Damon naked and rushed up the steps and came back within a few minutes and left a sweat suit on the stairs. Damon got up and put it on, I wouldn't have mind if he did it was getting cold and he had a lot of body heat. After he put the suit on he picked me up and put me on the carpeted and found a fuzzy black and purple blanket. He wrapped it around me and laid down next to me, he turned me around and pulled me into his chest. I cuddled into him and he....purred. He purred. I couldn't hold in my laugh and he opened an eye and looked at me. He sighed and closed his eye, he kissed my hair and then we went to sleep.

The next chapter will be in Damon P.o.V and it might come out in a few hours or tomorrow.
Wasn't it such a cute chapter,
Any questions,.....

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