#34 Most special-Kris

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It was her first EVER date with a guy and she was so nervous that she almost wanted to NOT show up on it.But after a lot of conflicts with herself,of course,she finally decided to go to her first ever date with a guy called Kris Wu.

Kris and Susan have not only been friends for a long time but also have been in love with each other for a while now.They had no idea about each others' feelings until now,when finally they had started dating.

She played with her fingers while waiting at the park bench for Kris to arrive.

Her head jerked up when she heard the sound of a loud horn near by.Her smile widened.Her heart paced faster and her cheeks heated up.

"Hi,beautiful"He smiled at her.

Her heart skipped a beat.

"Hey" was all she could say before blushing furiously.

Kris opened the passenger's door of the car for Susan.She sat in quickly.

And soon enough,they were driving away from Seoul.

Since this was their first date,the awkwardness was already enveloping around them.But Susan wasn't going to let her date get ruined because of that.

"So..where are we going?"she asked,smiling.

Kris didn't have to smile back.That smile never left his face.

"Well...apparently,we are on a long drive,you don't mind,right?"he said.

"Of course not! I love long drives"She stated.

Kris just nodded.Little did Susan know that Kris had like literally forced her friends to tell him whatever she likes.Little did she know that Kris hated long drives but just for her,he was ready to go on a long drive.

"That's great"He replied,smiling as always.

He held her hand and entwined their fingers.Small things like these still flustered Susan.

The whole date went amazing.Kris and Susan had driven for hours when they decided to stop and eat something.They decided to eat road side food which happened to be both Kris and Susan's favorite food.

After eating,they decided to stop a while and admire the beautiful night sky while lying on the front porch of the car.

Kris had his hand around her waist and she was nuzzling her face into his chest.

It felt perfect.

"I love you,Susan" Kris said with confidence.Before this,he hadn't said it and now that he did,Susan felt like the most luckiest girl in the world to have him.

Susan smiled and pressed lips to his forehead.Kris sighed.

They remained in that position for a while,breathing each other's air and enjoying the closeness until Kris moved his face a little and touched his lips to hers.

Electricity ran through Susan's veins and the worst INCIDENT of her life flashed in front her eyes.

Kris's soft lips reminded he of HIM,Max.Kris's eyes and the look that he gave,reminded her of Max's eyes.Those eyes,there was no way she would forget them.He was her first love.But she wondered if he had ever felt the same.The way he kissed her,it wasn't love,it was lust.She was scared it'd happen again.She can't lose Kris now!

And without knowing,Susan's eyes filled up with tears.

"Yah! gwaenchana?!"The words pulled her out of those weird memories.

"Why are you crying?"he cupped her face,breaking the kiss.

"I'm sorry,I shouldn't have kissed you,Susan,baby,I am so sorry"Kris looked worried,unlike the first time Max had kissed her.He did't care if she was ready or not.

"I'm fine,really.I was just...Max..you know.Its not your fault,okay?"She ruffled his hair cutely.

"THAT guy who used you?"He asked.

She nodded.

"I am not like that ,Susan.I love you,I truly do.I am not going to use you like him ,you aren't a trash,you know.I will treat you like the most special person in my life 'cos you are.I swear but if you want some time..."Kris trailed off,waiting for Susan to understand what he couldn't say.

Susan trusted him.She really did.

"I love you,too"She managed to say.

Kris's smile ,that had disappeared for a painful while,was back.

Susan stretched and kissed his lips softly.Kris kissed her back in the same manner.

THIS time,it didn't remind Susan of Max.In fact,it reminded her of the way that had she expected  her boyfriend to kiss her,she realized that even in her life,he was the most special person ever. Unlike Max,who was just a mistake that she regretted making.


Hey,guys.Long time no see~~~

Sorry for the late update.This was supposed to be up by Friday but something came up.Requested by  susan2911.Thanks for requesting and hope you like it!

Btw,did you guys check out the debut of Byun Baekhyun's abs???!! *sprinkles holy water on baekhyun stans* Hope you guys recover from this soon.

And all the Kyungsoo and Chanyeol  stans who are waiting for their bias's abs to debut,then just go pray to god! I am doing the same! XD


P.S: In case you don't like your life anymore and you wanna die,here's the killer bomb!

S: In case you don't like your life anymore and you wanna die,here's the killer bomb!

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