#36 Safe-Baekhyun

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It was dark .The darkest shade of dark.I couldn't see anything,feel anything.I wanted to run but to where? To infinite darkness.

Something hit me on the stomach hard and as tired as I already was,I fell on the cold,hard ground,wailing.

Another blow and this time,I think I broke my jaw.

"Please..."I cried as I fought to remain conscious.I smelt blood now.

My eye lids felt so heavy.........

"Please.......save me"I managed to stay.

But before I could continue,my whole vision dissolved in a black hole.

I woke up sweating,panting and crying.The tear stains were clear on my pillow.

I looked around the room and saw Baekhyun coming inside,running.

He wore an apron around himself.

"Beth! Are you okay?! I heard you scream."He yelled,coming towards me.

I closed my eyes and sighed.I was relieved to hear his voice.

A few tear drops escaped from the corner of my eyes and without meaning to,I sobbed again.

"Beth...."he pulled me into his arms and comforted me.

"Another nightmare?"He cooed,patting my head softly.

I nodded,hugging him tighter and crying.

"It's okay,baby.Its over"

He caressed my cheek.

"I'm here"he kept saying.

He lightly kissed my head and said ," that part of your life is over you are now,you know"

I lifted up my head and looked at him.Hi eyes were filled with concern,care and love and most of all,those eyes made me feel safe.It made me feel like no matter what happens,I'll always be safe here,in his arms,looking into his beautiful eyes.

"I love you,Baek"I managed to say in between sobs.I wanted him to know how thankful I was to have him.

He smiled a little.

"I love you more,Beth,way more"he whispered in his honey-like voice.


HEY GUYS!!!! How are you all doing?

Hope you liked this imagine and I am sorry for the freaking late update.I won't lie,I was actually lazy to update.

This was requested by EricaWoods_1218.Thanks for requesting and hope you liked it <3

So a lot of stuff happened in the past week. Firstly,OUR KINGS HAD A COMEBACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HOW BETTER IS IT GONNA GET NOW????????? I DIED IN THE FIRST FEW SECONDS OF THE VIDEO TBH. and secondly,NCT DREAM IS OFFICIAL!! I feel so hyped right now lol! 

So..I guess that's it for a while but I swear that I'll update REAL soon.My exams just ended so I have plenty of time to write the imagines.


P.s: Sorry for the short imagine *bows*

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