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I arrived at Zara's massive house in my Range Rover Sport. I put my RayBans on my head and got out of my car. I knocked on the door and it immediately opened. At the door was a girl with extremely curly brown hair. She was wearing some black jeans with a red and black flannel tied around her waist and she was wearing a black 5SOS t-shirt.
"YASSSSSSS!!" I screamed as I hugged her. Zara had recently been on holiday in New York and I hadn't seen my best friend in at least 6 weeks. She had gone on tour with Conor because they had been on a concert tour around New York.
We jumped up and down together until we had calmed down.We sat down on the sofa and put Friends on the TV.
"SPILL THE BEANS!!" I screamed.
"Are you ready?" Zara asked.
"Of course!!"I replied. She took a deep breath.
"Conor kissed me and asked me to be his girlfriend!!" she exclaimed. I screamed and jumped up and down.
"I'm so happy for you!! I always expected there was something between the two of you!! Has Conor told the boys yet??"
"Honestly, I don't know,"she replied in answer to my question.
After eating all of my snacks and watching multiple episodes of Friends I saw that the time was almost 6:00. If I wanted to be home in time for tea (which we normally eat at around 6:00) I would have to leave now.
I packed my bag and hugged Zara.
"This was so fun! I will see you soon." I walked out of the house and unlocked my car. I immediately put on the radio(full volume).
When I was about 5 minutes away, I saw Jack walking home. I pulled up alongside him, rolled down the window and shouted at him.
"OI MAYNARD!!" I screamed.
"OI JJ!" he screamed back. Jack is the only person who doesn't call me Jamie. He calls me JJ because of my initials(Jamie Jones). I think it is so cute. To be honest I think I have started to have feelings for Jack lately. Every time I see him my stomach flips and my heart skips a beat. Just the sight of his beautiful blue eyes and his gorgeous blonde hair takes my breath away.
"Where have you been?" I asked him as he got in my car.
"Oh, I was just round Chantelle's," he said casually. Oh yeah, that is another thing about Jack. He has a girlfriend. My good mood was immediately ruined. But then I looked at Jack's handsome, smiling face and my worries were suddenly forgotten. I smiled back at him and my heart ached.
Soon after we arrived home.We stepped out of the car and I walked in to see the biggest mess in the world.
"Were you all born in a barn??" I screamed as I proceeded to tidy up the mess.
"Well..." Conor started.
"Don't even start, Bruno." I glared at Conor. I call him Bruno because he likes to think that he is Bruno Mars sometimes.
After the mess had been tidied up I flopped on to our massive grey L-shaped sofa. Jack came and sat next to me and I stretched my legs across Jack. He then proceeded to use my legs as a laptop holder as he started to edit a video he had filmed with the rest of the boys. Just then Josh,Oli and Caspar walked in the door.
"We're hungry!!" they whined as they trailed into the living room.
"Should we order takeaway?" Joe suggested. Everyone else nodded in agreement apart from me and Jack who screamed in approval. Everyone else ordered Nandos but I ordered a plain chow mein from the Chinese as I can't eat Nandos because pretty much everything has meat in it.
After we had all eaten and decided to wash up tomorrow, we all trudged to bed. Within seconds of my face hitting the pillow I was fast asleep.

Just friends ... Right??(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now