three ~ allure

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Bubbles from my lips caught
by yours as we spiral upward,
tails entwined.
My darling, mermine,
let's dream and leave the world behind.

"Who- who are you all?" The boy with the bright green eyes asked in a low tone, looking at all the men watching him warily. He was starting to feel anxious by all the intent stares they're giving him and he felt extremely vulnerable because he's not wearing anything in front of humans. Just a towel that he didn't know where came from.

If they were merpeople he'd be feeling relatively at ease, but no, they're humans. Back when he was younger he was taught that humans are judgmental beings, determined to step on others to get a higher status in society and always desperate to have it their ways. Anything or anyone different than normal would be judged and picked on, and Michael doesn't want that. He sees curiosity behind everyone's eyes. Probably about the reason why he's seen floating at such a remote ocean at night, naked, but he didn't want to reveal that he's a merman.

The one who caused the heavy rainfall which by now, turned to a drizzle.

A merman that didn't want to be saved.

"Wh-where are we?" He asked again, louder this time, snapping everyone back to reality. Ashton cleared his throat and looked at Calum, expecting him to answer since he's the one who did everything, but the fucker was still shamelessly staring, dazed by the merman's impeccable beauty.

He nudged him with furrowed eyebrows, "You see Calum here? He saved you from drowning past the Atlantic ocean."

Calum blinked at him and slowly nodded. "Y-yes, I did. I had to do it, I just couldn't let you drown in there."

The merman's gaze on him turned cold for a split second, then reflected innocence once more. So he's the one who saved me when I wanted to die? Why? Why did he have to see and save me?

"What's your name, young man?" The ship's chief officer asked him with authority in his voice. "Where are you from?"

I'm Michael, the Prince of the Atlantic, soon to be King.

"Why were you in the ocean in the first place?"

The merman immediately looked down upon hearing the questions continuously fired at him. He didn't want to answer with the old man's raised tone. He gripped the soft material covering him and put it around himself to cover his body better.

"Answer me!"

Michael flinched, because his hearing is heightened than an average human and that was louder than what it seemed. He looked at Calum with glint in his green eyes. Get me out of here.

The brunette sensed the merman's discomfort and quickly placed an arm around his shivering body. "I'll help you." He whispered.

"It's better if we stop asking questions. He's tired and it's obvious that he's traumatized by his near-death experience. Leave him be, I'll take care of the rest." He requested in a strict, yet polite tone. The man he's talking to has a rank higher than him; he'd want to have a good working term with everyone if he wants to keep his job.

He didn't wait for their response and instead helped Michael with standing up. Michael nearly wobbled because he's not used to having legs, but it wasn't obvious due to Calum's support. Calum placed the towel he's using on Michael even though he's dead cold and together they went inside the quarters, to the seaman's room.

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