seventeen + heartbreak

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Into the dark sea
We swim all alone
Though we cannot see
Into the depths unknown.

He has to leave.

You ever had that feeling when you just knew it was the perfect time to do something? When you just knew the professor's gonna ask somebody in the class and you meet his eyes because you know you'll get it right? When you just knew it's the perfect time to ask your parents about a sleepover because they'll likely say yes? Because it's a gut feeling? That's what Michael is feeling right now. He has to leave. Like, right now.

Even if the thought of leaving hurts a part of him, he knew there's no way around it and it had to be done. Calum had been so nice to him ever since the beginning. He saved him from completely drowning, from being interrogated by the ship crew and even had the heart to take him in. No one can ever compare to Calum. For him, he's the manliest, handsomest, most caring and loving person he met. He will always be his savior and nothing or no one can make him stop loving the brunette.

They've been through a lot of things together in life even in a short span of two months. They had so many memories created ever since his feet touched the ground in the front of Calum's gate. He's having a hard time remembering them all now, every single one of them was happy. Even when he was frequently having nightmares that continued to haunt him, Calum will always follow and suddenly everything isn't so bad anymore. Calum had that 'Everything will be fine because I am here now' feeling surrounding him and it never failed to work on Michael. He will always find home and comfort in his muscular arms and the crook of his neck.

Calum was still gently sleeping beside him, looking ethereal as the moonlight illuminated the dim room and reflected on his face. He looked at the brunette's face intently, trying to memorize every single detail there is to remember. His hand slowly reached out to give in to his urge to caress Calum's cheek, but retracted in the last moment in fear of waking him up and delaying his plan for another day. He can't stay any longer because who knows when he'll get a chance like this again?

He sighed and slowly sat up while praying that the bed wouldn't creak. When it didn't, he drew in a breath and quickly went out of bed. Thank god calum isn't a light sleeper.

What am I thinking? I need to focus on this plan, he distractedly thought. He needs to do something now. His eyes surveyed the room until he saw Calum's phone in the night stand. From what he remembers, the brunette's phone didn't have a password, so he grabbed it and pressed the center button, making the screen light up while displaying the time. 3:47 AM.

It's early, and it must be freezing outside at this time of the day but Michael knew he doesn't have any other choice. He took Calum's hoodie that was draped in the body of a chair and wore it. It's slightly big on him, of course, but when did Calum's clothes ever fit him?

The brunette suddenly moved around in the bed and Michael's heart sped up, emerald eyes trained on the boy. Oh god, please don't wake up, please don't wake up, Michael bit his lip while his feet were glued on the ground. Calum only inhaled deeply and his breathing steadied again. That was close.

Looking at Calum now made him realize what he liked most about him. He could go on and on about how perfect of a guy Calum is but if there's one thing he wants to remember, he liked his kisses so much. When his red lips mold with his, he gets this intoxicating feeling that makes him forget about their surroundings. When they kiss it's just the two of them, basking in each other's touch, holding onto one another tight. There are so many emotions involved with just a single kiss, something unexplainable sparking deep inside him, making him feel like he's on fire.

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