thirteen - real feelings

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Their first true sign of affection,

Begun with a playful kiss.
In the centre of the universe,
Quite impossible to miss.

Things went just as Calum had predicted. Natalia did not have any place to stay at and Michael invited her to sleep over for the night, or even the following days until they figure both figure out what they should do during their stay on land. Calum didn't mind Michael making decisions on his behalf, because the huge smile that seems to be permanently etched on his face was enough for him to accept whatever happens.

Natalia contemplated on easing up a little around the brunette because she realized that he's being overly generous and welcoming for someone who's just met another creature of a different kind, and he's taking it so well too. They went back to his home without any argument or interrogation done. She knows he's curious and eager to know personal things about their home under the sea and their other culture, but he held back and left all the questions for Michael to ask which she didn't get at all. The guy had been tense during the whole car ride as she and Michael converse, and even if Calum was trying to not be obvious that he's listening, she knows what he's doing.
She was waiting all night for him to ask, but he didn't. He cooked up some dinner for the three of them, did all chores, reminded her best friend of the plans that they have tomorrow morning and went back to his own room to give them a private time. She's taken aback by his admirable sense of self-control; how different he is from the typical description of humans. But even so he hasn't earned her full trust yet. It was something that couldn't be earned overnight.

Calum's plan the next day turned out to be shopping for Michael's clothes.

Right after an almost sleepless night between the two best friends, the merman woke up feeling all giddy and excited about what the day holds for them all. Natalia was accidentally hit by Michael's cold feet as he left the bed, causing her to wake up groggily.

"Where are you going?" She asked, laying on her back and slowly rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. She grabbed the thick blankets up to her chest, shivering. The room was too cold and she disliked it.

Michael turned around and gave her a smile. "Hey, good morning. I'm going to Calum's room to check if he's up." He walked towards the aircon and turned it off once he saw her shivering, knowing that the cold air wouldn't leave the room even if he did.

"Already?" She frowned. It seemed too early for that. She felt like she didn't get any second of sleep at all from their endless conversation the night before, and yet here stood the boy, bursting with energy she didn't know where was coming from.

"Yeah, he's not an early riser but I want to check on him still." He quickly answered, already heading to the door. "I'll return in a few minutes, okay? You should go back to sleep."

"Michael.." she trailed off in a stern tone, trying to get him to understand what she truly wanted to say. Surely, the brunette can wait. Why was he so keen on checking up on him?

Michael defiantly crossed his arms over his chest, immediately getting what she was trying to say just by her tone. He gets it. She's against them, their relationship, if Calum and him even was in one, but that doesn't change his mind at all. He wants to be the first thing the brunette sees when his chocolate brown eyes open. If Calum was already awake, then at least he can cuddle with him early in the morning. Really, all he wants is to spend time with him before they get busy later in the mall, and it's a plus without Natalia observing them.

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