eighteen + lost

725 76 113

Your hair catches the sun's final ray
I hate to go now but I'll be with you soon;
In my true heart I wish I could stay
I kiss you goodbye with light of the moon.

Calum woke up to an empty bed. He stretched for a few moments then proceeded to rub the sleep out of his eyes, groaning at the thought of having to cook breakfast for him and Michael. But that's okay though, they need energy for the day if they ever plan on doing something fun outdoors, maybe like swimming in the pool. It's been a while since they used it.

He turned to the side in hopes of admiring the supposedly asleep merman, but frowned when there's no Michael to be found. He glanced at the clock across the room that showed it's only nine in the morning. It's early. Michael's only about to wake up like him at this time, and his side of the bed is cold, so he must be up way earlier than him.

Maybe he's only watching television downstairs, Calum thought with a smile. He left the bed and entered the rest room to brush his teeth and fix his hair to look presentable to Michael. He gotta admit, he likes it when the blonde stares at him a bit longer every morning while they eat breakfast together and today he's in the mood to put extra effort to his appearance. Maybe he can tease him for staring, then they can mess around later.

He grinned mischievously at his reflection in the mirror. "You're reminding me of teenager Calum right now." He said to himself while taming his curls. "Teasing? Messing around? What's next, Calpal?"

He shook his head before the dirty thoughts even enter his mind. Michael is too innocent and pure for such things, plus it's too soon for that type of thing to happen in their relationship. Why is he talking to himself anyway? He chuckled and started walking downstairs, thinking of what to cook for today's breakfast.

However, Calum slowed down when hearing silence in the first floor. "Michael?" He called out. The merman is supposed to be watching TV right now, or should he go to his room instead? Maybe he's reading some magazines in there. Yeah, that sounds like something he'll do.

He still waited for a response, but there was surprisingly none. His eyebrows raised suspiciously and he went to check on Michael's room, but it looked untouched. It's actually been a few days since the merman slept there since he preferred Calum's bed more, and the magazines are neatly piled up in Mali's old table, so where is he? In the kitchen? He could've answered if he was.

He didn't leave without his permission, did he?

His heart rate sped up and he started running around the house, afraid that his assumption is correct. He looked at the kitchen, there was no Michael. At the front porch, no Michael. At the bathroom, just in case they missed each other, but no Michael.

"Michael! Where are you?" He called out in a different tone, hoping that the merman would get the authoritative tone and would stop playing hide and seek with him. There's literally no place in the house that he hasn't checked yet, what if Michael really left? But where did he possibly go? To the mall? To the confectionery shop? To the town? To the dock?

Maybe he really did leave.

His eyes started to burn and cloud his vision. No, it's impossible. There's no way Michael would leave him. He promised. He fucking promised him! He wouldn't do that especially without goodbye!

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