twenty + 'til my last breath

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My love is like the endless sea,
As deep as the colours in your eyes.
My darling, you have all of me
We'll be forever like the bluest skies.

"I have something interesting to tell you." Natalia said, swimming a bit closer to her best friend. They are currently inside a cave underwater; a place that they deemed good enough to sleep with the fishes. It was also closer to the kingdom they're planning on destroying later in the day so they thought it's the perfect place.

Michael slowly opened his chrysochlorous irises and turned to look at her. "What is it?"

He found her smiling at him, but there is a certain hint of hesitation behind her eyes. She hadn't been entirely honest with Michael and there are a few things he doesn't know which happened to her during his stay on land, and she figured that it's the right time to tell him now. He deserves to know, especially because his life will be at the top of the line tonight.

"You remember the pearl that you gave me?" She asked, fingers going to the pearl that's been in her possession since months ago. It was the only thing shining in the dimness of their surroundings besides their own eyes. It started to faintly glow as she held it between her slender fingers. "I think it is magical."

Michael remained silent, purely confused, but urged her to continue. He remembered that the pearl was originally given by her mother when he was still a young merman, always saying that it was for his protection and that he should have it with him at all times. He was never able to know how it will protect him though, because a dangerous situation never arose, so there was never a chance to. He only gave it to her as a valuable thing that will remind her of him.

"I was captured by your father days after playing hide and seek with him. I know the moment he realize that you were able to escape he will hunt me down and ask me where you went. It was quite obvious, some mermaids saw us swimming towards the kingdom that night so they told him the whole story in fear of getting stabbed. I tried hard to hide, believe me, but it got pretty hard especially when I was constantly swimming and switching places day and night, the fear of getting caught crippling through my veins. But my efforts were useless, because only days after they had easily caught me. They placed me in those dirty nets we used to see in the sunken ships laying around. It was impossible to escape."

Michael knew what she's talking about. He was right there, in that exact moment, through the nightmare that he's having. It was real, then. Everything he saw in his nightmares were real for some unexplainable reason.

Natalia flipped her tail and pressed her back against a cold rock, voice getting shakier and shakier with each spoken word. "Your father threatened me with his trident. I really thought that night was the end of me, you know? I got a long, huge cut in my arm which fucking hurt it made me scream so loud in pain." She chuckled, shaking her head in shame for being so weak. "I was calling for you."

"I know." He mumbled, but not loud enough for her to hear.

"I kept calling for you even though I know you won't be there. But something magical happened. The pearl you gave me glowed and it blinded me for a minute. When I opened my eyes, the next thing I know is that I'm in the middle of the ocean again, alone." Her grip on the pearl tightened and the familiar feeling of gratefulness filled her heart once more. "I disappeared from the kingdom like a bubble. I didn't know how that happened but this pearl saved me."

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