six ; flicker of hope

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A mermaid found a swimming lad,
Picked him for her own
Pressed her body to his body
Laughed; and plunging down
Forgot in cruel happiness
That even lovers drown.

An hour later and still counting, Calum was getting hungrier and hungrier each tick and tock of the clock in his nightstand. He had no choice, the little merman was sleeping like a princess and he didn't have the heart to wake him up after his mini breakdown. Michael didn't fully elaborate his mermaid life just yet, but he did open up a little awhile ago.

To be honest, Calum still couldn't quite grasp the fact that Michael is a prince of the ocean and that he was a real merman, but he's thankful that he trusted him enough to tell him such a secret. Even though it's weird and nobody will believe him at first since it's already the twenty first century. He's even surprised there are still mermaids under the sea with all the overwhelming polution the human race is causing.

Oh well, it's getting obvious that I'm hungry as fuck, Calum thought with an amused expression. He might become a passionate advocate of some environmental group in no time with the way his thoughts are running. He's pretty content being an able seaman, thank you very much. So he just pushed through the third episode of The Fresh Prince, laughing at this and that. But no matter what he did, he kept on glancing at the clock to keep track of the time. Getting some Maccas would be great, he could already imagine the mouth watering food being served to them later when they go to the city. He didn't care whether his definition of mouth watering is greasy food, he's had enough of the healthy seafoods Ashton keeps on making them on board. He could totally eat about four to five quarter pounder right now.

Hearing the soft snores from his left, Michael looked like he wouldn't wake up any time soon to Calum's dismay. He wants to eat so fucking bad, so he decided to take the matter with his own hands. He can't take it anymore, his stomach's grumbling due to the fact that it's already one in the afternoon and he also skipped breakfast because of the bed potato that he's become.

Right when the next episodes's preview showed alongside the credits, Calum stretched out his limbs and immediately shut down his laptop, placing it carefully on the nightstand before turning to Michael.

"Michael," he gently shook the pale boy. "Mike, wake up. We should go and grab some lunch, it's already late."

Thankfully it wasn't that hard waking him up. Michael slowly opened his eyes and looked around, half dazed and kinda out of it. Even though calum wanted to admire him for a little longer since he's so cute with his white sand, dirty blonde hair sticking up in all directions and those red lips in an unintentional pout, he's freaking hungry. So he left the bed and quickly rummaged through his cabinet, searching for something decent to wear. Fuck taking a bath, it's too cold inside the house and even outside because of the rainy weather.

"Wh-where are we going?" Michael croaked out, his green eyes trying to adjust to the dimness of the room. The pitter patters of the rain against the window fills his ears, putting him at ease because it's one way closer to how his home feels like. He can imagine hearing the sound of the waves overlapping each other, the rain dropping on his clear skin, lightning striking through the blue of the sky followed by the sound of thunder. He released a sigh of content, snuggling with the warm pillow Calum was lying against earlier.

"We're going to the city to eat and explore a little. Maybe to meet up a friend of mine as well. Are you hungry?" Calum asked without giving him a glance, pulling a white shirt over his head, his back muscles flexing in the process.

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