sixteen - full blown love

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Through the waves
And through the sand
To Pirate's graves
Let me hold your hand

An hour later Michael and Calum were already inside the vehicle on their way to the mall. It was silent during the car ride due to Michael's request not to play music, and even though Calum really wanted to listen to The Killers, he followed his request and kept his mouth shut. But not for long.

"Hey, Mikey?" Calum spoke up all of a sudden while tapping his fingers on the steering wheel just to occupy his hands with something. The question in his mind had been bothering him since last night.

"Hm?" Michael, who was looking at two kids waving at him inside the vehicle next to theirs turned to him with a smile. "What is it?"

Calum cleared his throat and shifted around thinking if he had the right to ask what he's going to ask or not. "What- what happened last night between you and Natalia?"

Mike froze in his seat. It was silent for a moment and Calum was about to tell him why he needed to know but was interrupted with a serious "I don't want to talk about it."

"But why?" Calum pressed on, looking forward to check the road. "Natalia's your best friend and you were so keen on finding her, but now that she's gone, you'll just accept it like that? I don't understand."

Michael didn't understand her or himself as well. He doesn't know what to do now that she's gone. Natalia always served as his guide in making decisions underwater ever since they were kids. She was the logical one between the two of them and Michael was always the one full of emotions. As best friends they fill each other's flaws and is always stronger together, but now that she's gone... he does feel weak.

Should he go after her? Should he leave Calum and go back to the kingdom to fix his unresolved issue with his father? He doesn't want to make a decision. If he stays, his heart will continue to hurt. If he leaves, Calum will be hurt. He's torn in two.

"Mikey, bottling up your feelings won't do you any good. Do you want us to go look for her?" Calum reached out and took his hand, intertwining their fingers.

"It's no use." He murmured, willing his forming tears to go away. "She's not- she's not coming back. It will be useless." His hold on Calum's hand tightened.

The brunette's eyebrows furrowed. He didn't get what he's saying at all. "But why? Make me understand. I still dont-"

"Your phone screen is lighting up." Michael interrupted him again, grabbing the cellular device located in the dashboard and turning the screen to Calum, the word Agency flashing in the screen.

Calum's eyes widened and he immediately let go of Michael's hand to take the phone and answer the call. He knows it's kind of illegal but whenever his Marine agency calls him it usually meant business or salary and neither thing should be ignored. He swiped the screen with a fast beating heart. "Hello?"

"Yes, sir. This is Mr. Hood." Michael was just sitting beside him, looking at his facial expressions. Even if he wanted to eavesdrop the voice in the other line wasn't too loud, making it impossible. He'll have to lean closer to hear then Calum will notice.

The brunette then hummed affirmatively, nodding at what the other person must be saying. After passing numerous street signs and tall posts, their car turned around a curb to finally reach their destination. They were currently at a stoplight with many people crossing the line, soon joining the mass of people going to the massive, fun place.

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