Bonus! Quotes to be used/Ideas for Series

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"Papa! Papa! I wanna be a Platypus!" Daughter, 7 ✔

"I know you do not like when I bring this up, but I feel like it is a must. First time I saw you, I knew right away that you would be one of the gayest men I would ever meet. Haven't failed that expectation yet." Scott, Wedding, laughing through tears ✔

"You ready, Mitch? I will not continue unless you are one hundred percent fine with this." ×

I promised him that I would save him, but in the end, I wasn't able to fullfil that promise. He died in my arms on July 19, 2026, just shy of his thirty fourth birthday. After everything he had been through, Kaposi's Sarcoma and Pneumonia were the blows he couldn't recover from. They tried to treat it, but it had done it's damage. My strong and beautiful husband was left pale, hair unkempt, and so, so weak. Three days. That is all I got with him. Three days, and then he finally let go. ✔/×

"Mitchie...God! This is so hard for me to say, but I need to say it. Let go. I don't know why you are holding on. But just let go. Pass on. It will be so painful for us, but we will learn to live with the ache, and maybe be as strong as you one day. I love you so much, my lovely Queen. You'll be in my heart, always."

"I love you, Dad. I'll see you in heaven, one day. I hope you and Papa are happy. We are really going to miss you." Son, Scott's funeral ×

"I see you. I see your strength and courage, your hesitations as fears. I see the way you love others, and struggle to love yourself. I see how hard you work to grow, and your dedication to heal. I see your vulnerable humanity, and your transcendent divinity." Scott, wedding ✔

"I wonder so many times to myself why people fall to addiction, or call in love." Mitch
"Vincent Can Gogh used to eat yellow paint-" Scott
"Ew!" Mitch
"Just listen? He used to eat yellow paint because he thought it would get the happiness inside him. Many people thought he was mad and stupid for doing so because the paint was toxic, never mind that it was obvious that eating paint couldn't possibly have any direct correlation in one's happiness, but I never saw that. If you were so unhappy that even the maddest ideas could possibly work, like painting the insides of your internal organs yellow, then you are going to do it. It's really no different than falling in love Or taking drugs. There is a greater risk of getting your heart broken, or overdosing, but people still do it everyday because there was always the chance that it could make things better. Everyone has their yellow paint." Scott(Conversation on a date)✔

"I'm broken. I'm flawed. I'm scarred. I'm insecure. I make mistakes. I struggle. I'm hurt. I'm weak. Why would you want me?" Mitch, night Scott proposes, before ✔

"I'm genuine. I laugh. I love. I smile. I'm loyal. I'm honest. I'm resilient. I'm strong. I'm original. I'm real. I'm me. I am enough." Mitch, years later around the year he died, accepting who he is, and making it positive. ✔

"Mitch, I know you will think that you are undeserving of someone's love, but I'm here to tell you that you are worth every ounce of my adoration. I love you with my heart and soul. You are my yellow paint, and no other pain could ever compare. You are so beautiful and I want you as mine. Mitchell Grassi, would you do met he biggest honor and choose to marry me?"✔

"Mitchie, you will never, ever disappoint me. I don't care what that voice tells you. I will never be ashamed of you." Scott
"Truly?" Mitch
"Truly, my lovely queen." Scott✔

When I lost him/you, I lost myself too
I feel lost and alone and I don't know what to do
It's like a never ending nightmare of pain
It feels like nails are being driven into my heart then pulled out again
Night and day the prevailing thought in my head is that you're dead
I know I will never get over it, but somehow I have to get through it
I take small steps through the darkness, guided by my grieving heart, time and distance have disappeared as I've been torn apart
The grief road is long as it stretches lifelong so it's hard to carry on and be strong
I know I'll be lost until I find you, so I look for you everywhere, I know you're there, I just can't see you
Sometimes I stop and star because I think I've seen you, but it's just someone who looks like you
I look at your photos, willing your eyes to give me a clue
It's so hard to accept that I've lose you
I would walk endless miles through wind and rain and back again
I would climb mountains, walk through deserts and sail on stormy seas, I would walk until I fell to my knees
For every mile I would shed a tear
And for every year I would endure the pain
If only I could find you again ✔

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