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Warning: Homophobia, Some flashbacks

As he held the ring, he spoke. It was such a beautiful speech, those beautiful blue eyes staring straight at mine. I let the flowers fall from my hands, listening.

"Mitch, I know you will think that you are undeserving of someone's love, but I'm here to tell you that you are worth every ounce of my adoration. I love you with my heart and soul. You are my yellow paint, and no other pain could ever compare. You are so beautiful and I want you as mine. Mitchell Grassi, would you do met he biggest honor and choose to marry me?"

I simply stared at him, body coursing with shock. His gaze never wavered, and the words he spoke rang with truth. I was frozen, looking at him with my hands over my mouth.

He wanted me? Wanted me when he could have anyone in the world? I was the one he claimed as his 'Yellow Paint'? But why?

As I began to utter the beginnings of a question, he stood up and whipered to me. "Will you marry my, Mitchie?"

Wordlessly, I still nodded, eyes shooting to our hands as he took my left one in his warm grip. He slid the beautiful rose gold band into my finger, then pulled me into a hug. I could feel the years brimming in my eyes, and let a few fall as I hugged him, the flowers forgotten in the ground at my feet.

"I will marry you, Scott Hoying." I whispered against the fabric of his suit coat.

When I drew back, i immediately went to Kirstie and she and I hugged.

"Is that why you have been giggling all month?" I accused.

"No!" She tried to deflect but I simply shook my head at her.

"You are a horrible liar." I chuckled thickly. I had to go fix my make up. I hid her goodbye. "I need to dab my wetties."

As I walked towards the bathrooms, I heard the sound of footsteps behind me. Years of fear had made me paranoid, and now was no exception. I kept walking, but was listening. The steps were distinctive. Heels.

Then I heard the chattering. It was a couple of Bride's Maid. I signed in relief as I stopped at the door.

"Hey!" One of the women called out and instinctively I turned. There were three girls. One of them had beautiful, long honey colored hair and large dark eyes, with a ink black haired girl with obvious Asian decent at her side. Behind both of them, looking uncomfortable was that Nicole girl.

I was staring at her, trying to figure out why she looks so familiar to me, when a sentence made my heart seize.

"Stop staring you stupid Fag." The brown haired girl snarled, while the Asian girl began to giggle. "You must think you are so high and mighty. But you are just an attention whore."

"A slut, I heard, Ariana." The black haired girl said. "Likes it when they're rough."

"Disgusting. So fucking disgusting. God. I can't believe that that beautiful piece of man chose to marry you of all people. I hope you are refundable. He isn't going to want to for very-"

"That is enough. Both of you." Nicole spoke up this time. "He has been through enough in his life. Leave him the fuck alone, or I will go get Scott. And trust me when I say this: Scott may seem like an ambient guy, but he can be quite scary. Watch what you say. Now, Ariana, Alyssa, leave. Now."

"You fucking faggot. Can't even stand up for yourself. You, and everyone of your kind, is going to hell. I hope you know that, you useless bitch."

I stood there, head bowed, body tense, waiting for the punishing hand to strike. Their words hit right where I was still wounded. Still trying to heal.

The moment they walked away, I turned and disappeared into the bathroom, tears already falling. But these years were not of joy. No. They were tears of pain as memories flashed through my mind. Raised hands, voices yelling, telling me just how worthless I really was.

I shut the stall and stared at the wall. While I was at the Ward, I had found that small spaces, when I freely chose to enter and leave them, were ideal for trying to cut out the thoughts. But this time, it didn't help. I leaned back against the metal door of the stall.

As I closed my eyes, silent tears falling down my face, I, for the first time in weeks, let a memory surface.

"Well, well, well. The little whore is so eager." It was a new night, New client. Clients. That's all any sexual integration I had was with. People who payed the Strip Club to fuck me.

There were three of them this time. Brutes, all of them. They had my pinned to the wall. I had spread my legs, like they always made me do, and they took this as an invitation to stick their gross hands in my clothes. Quickly, the dress and boots were discarded and I was left in the ears and stockings on.

One wound his hands in my hair and jerked me backwards against him by my hair, then he pulled my head harshly to the side, baring my neck for them. I cried out in pain each time he yanked on my hair.

I tried to drown out all of the slurs the were throwing around the rooms, as hands began to connect with my skin. Soon, the slaps and pinches turned into punches and kicks.

One of them knocked me to my knees with one solid kick to the back of my knees, making me crumple to the floor.

The hands connecting with me turned into boots. Repeatedly, bruising every inch of me.

All while they called me "Faggot", "Whore", "Damned Slut", "Prostitute", and their favorite, "Toy". An object. I was an object to these men.

Soon, I was laying on my side, hands shielding my face. When they finished with me, they left me laying in the motel room, bloody, crying, in pain, and unable to move, utterly degraded.

But something else crept into the recollection. A soft word. Just a single word, repeated again and again, making me more and more away of my surroundings. A cold tile floor under me. I had sunk to the floor. Graffitied metal on all sides of me. Last, a pair of black shoes that I could see under the piece that dovodrd the stall from the rest of the bathroom.

"Mitch." That words again. "Mitch. Mitch."

The moment I made I noise other than The crying, the voice's words changed.

"Breath. In, out." Scott. "When you are able, would you please tell me why you are crying, my beautiful Mitchie? Please?"

I simply made a small sound of agreement and worked to get the tears to stop. Several minutes later, I finally stopped. I got to my feet, my head hurting. When I cried, I got a headache and I hated it, but I pushed it to the side as I unlocked the door and pulled Scott into a tight hug.

"Come now, tell me what happened?"

Fluff! Who's ready for Scömíche? Anyone want an Avin chapter and a Jerstie chapter?

And, the winners of the two characters are...

*drum roll*

Girl: Maddie(AltoPentaholic)
Boy: Carson( RoseGoldHeart)
(I am simply changing Carson to a boy, because everyone kept submitting females, and I just really liked her, so she is simply going to take on male pronouns.)

Thank you so much to both of you! I shall keep in touch with you if you would like me to ask you how they would act in certain situations, unless you don't care. Let me know. ✌😘

I would like to tell you all now that this was a hard chapter for me to write. So I hope you enjoyed it.

Oh, and stay sexy

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