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Scott's P.O.V
It was so hard to come back from his death. I struggled day to day.

Some nights, I would wake up and reach out for him, or in the morning, I would open my eyes and turn to tell him I loved him. But he wasn't there. His side of the bed was cold. It had stopped smelling like him long time ago. And yet, I found myself believe that his scent still remained.

I would wake up in the mornings, expecting to smell coffee, but it never happened. There was no one to get up to make the coffee.

Until one morning, the familiar smell of it reached me as I opened my eyes. I Sat bolt up right in bed, eyes wide.

It was all a dream. A bad dream. Mitch wasn't dead. He was downstairs, making coffee, singing softly to himself. He wasn't dead.

I got out of my bed and ran to the door, running to the kitchen. Then I stopped, my heart, which had begun to mend itself, shattered all over again.

There was someone making coffee, but it wasn't Mitch.

It was Maddie. Her mousey brown hair was longer than it had ever been and was pulled up into a hasty bun. She didn't seem to realized I was standing there, is it kept talking.

"-used to do this every morning. I remembered waking up to the smell of coffee. Every morning. He was always standing here, sometimes dressed in nothing but a shirt, making Dad coffee." Who was she speaking to? I moved forward a little more.


I couldn't bring myself to talk to them. My chest hurt all over again. Over the months, I had managed to numb it, but it all came back to me, just as raw.

I hurt. Just as I turned to go back to my room, Maddie called out to me. "Daddy!" She squealed and I heard her feet padding up to me. Forcing a smile on my face, I turned around and gave her a hug.

"Why are you here?" I asked her as we let go.

"Well, I came for three reasons. One, I really missed you, and I wanted to come see you. Two...well, I wanted your blessing...Ariana and I are getting married. But I wanted you to know first."

Before she could start her third reason, I spoke. "You have it. I know Mitch would have been so happy to hear. I wish you both a happy life. Love each other like you will never love anyone else." I smiled weakly and she squealed, grinning back at Ariana. I could see the love glowing her eyes.

"Oh, and Ariana and I would like to move in with you. You seem lonely, and I don't want you to be."

So, she moved in. They were married on July 19, 2027. The day Mitch died.

It was hard. I learned to adjust. But even four years later, I still had days where I would wake up to find him gone and I would relapse into depression.

But, I still worked. I had my family to support, even if it was just me.

May 25, 2031 was a day that stuck out to me.

It was a routine patrol. That's all it was. Simple. Nothing I hadn't done many times over the years. But, life has a way of turning on you.

As my partner, a much younger man, with a bright face, who's name tag said Jose. "Morning." He grinned at those that passed. It was something I had seen a ton of newbies do, before the job changed them.

As we walked, I saw one man walk towards us, shuffling oddly. Suddenly, all alert systems in my head went off and I shoved Mario out of the way, just as the man pulled a gun. Before I could even reach for mine, he pulled the trigger. A deafening crack filled the air. At first, I thought that my best stopped it, until I felt it tearing through my chest.

I gasped and stopped, staring down at the hole in my vest as blood began to leak out.

I could hear Mario speaking into his microphone, but I couldn't understand the individual words.

I remembered falling to the ground..I remember laying there, staring ahead of my as a Voice started to sing. It was mine. But I wasn't singing.

"A light in the room
It was you who was standing there
Tried it was true
As your glance met my stare
But your heart drifted off."

I saw Mitch looking at me as I laid there, his lips smiling at me. I stared at him, trying to figure out why he looked different. He had the same bright eyes, the same beautiful smile, shining bald head. Then, it dawned on me. His skin was completely smooth, without a single scar.

"Like the land split by sea
I tried to go, to follow
To kneel down at your feet
I'll run, I'll run, I'll run, run to you
I'll run, I'll run, I'll run, run to you." I took one deep breath and I sighed, smiling weakly, before I felt so light, free. I stood and ran towards him, calling out his name.

"I've been settling scores
I've been fighting so long
But I've lost your war
And our kingdom is gone
How shall I win back
Your heart which was mine
I have broken bones and tattered clothes
I've run out of time
I'll run, I'll run, I'll run, run to you
I'll run, I'll run, I'll run, run to you
Whoa, oh, oh
I will break down the gates of heaven
A thousand angels stand waiting for me,
Oh, take my heart and I'll lay down my weapons
Break my shackles to set me free
I'll run, I'll run, I'll run, run to you
I'll run (I'll run), I'll run (I'll run), I'll run, run to you." I pulled him into my arms and hugged him tightly, years streaming down my face.

"I missed you so much, Mitchie. So, so much! God it is so good to see you!" I murmured into his ear as I rocked slightly with him in my arms.

"I did too. But come on! I have something to show you!" He broke away and grilled my hand, leading me towards a warm, encompassing light that made my heart flutter.

I could see fields of the richest greens and flowers with colored I couldn't even begin to describe.

"Welcome Home, Scotty. Now, we have forever."

I'm so sorry guys! I really am. I cried writing this. Did you cry?

What were your favorites part(s)? What didn't you like?

Did I do the Characters justice? I'm sorry Carson didn't play much of a role in this. I'm really sorry.

Oh, and stay Sexy

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