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Those two weeks passed so fast, and yet, at the same time, they passed so slow it was almost painful.

I had no contact with my family. Had no idea how any of them were doing, and it was living hell.

The day that ban was up, I called home.

"Mom?" I asked when the person on the other side answered.

"Mitchie!" She called excitedly. "God, how I've missed your voice! How are you? How has it been? Are the other people nice? Do they treat you well? How are you adjusting?" I giggled at her insistent questions and tried to respond to them all.

"I'm fine, mother." I smiled against the phone receiver. "It's been just fine, and they are wonderful. There are five others. Emma, Daniel, Connor, Marcus, and Zoe. They treat me really well. I am adjusting just fine. Now can I get some questions of my own in?"

"Yes! Of course!" My mother chirped.

"How is everyone?" The one question that had been eating away at me. Are they all doing well? It had only been two weeks, but so much can happen in one night, who knows what two weeks could do.

"We are all just fine. We miss you, but that's it. Anyone on this end you want to talk to?" I could hear the suggestion in her voice

"Mom!" I gasped as she laughed. "But is Scott there?"

"Oooh!" My mom jibed, but handed the phone off, by the static, then change in voice.

"Mitchie? It's good to hear your voice again." I smiled even bigger. It felt so foreign to me to smile. I hadn't in so long, I almost thought I had forgotten how. I don't know how long I stood there brooding over that thought, but it was long enough that Scott seemed to get anxious.

"Mitch? Is everything alright?"

"Huh? What? Oh, yeah. It's fine. I just got distracted. When is the next time you're coming over? I can't wait to see all of you." I asked. I missed my friends and family so bad and couldn't wait to see them. Which surprised me. It just seemed easier to be around them now.

"Well..." He paused, as though contemplating something, then laughed at himself. "If it was all right with you, I was going to come over later to pick you up and take you to a movie or something. I already talking to the nurses at the ward and they told me that if you wanted to go, you were welcome to, but I had to have you back by nine forty-five. Of course, if you would rather stay there and not go out around strangers, I totally understand. It's all up to you."

"Scott..." I said. I was at a loss for words. Was he asking me out? No. This was probably just a friends hanging out type thing. Why would he want to go on a date with me?

That thought train detailed quickly when Scott began to speak again. "I mean, you don't have to. And it is entirely up to you What we go and see to night. Or where we eat. It's all up to you. I want to to be a night to remember, but in a good way, so I'm letting you choose..." I found his nervous ramble so cute and giggled at him. His talking stopped and then, after a moment of silence, followed by a contented sigh, he spoke up. "I never get tired of hearing that laugh of yours. I wish I could see it, see the way your eyes crinkle at the edges. God, Kirstie has shown me pictures, and I hope to one day see it in person."

I blushed, then have him my answer. "I would love to go out to the movies with you tonight, Scott."

I could practically hear him swelling with happiness. "I'll be there at Six, if that is okay with you?"

"It's perfect " I sighed, my body filled with emotions I hadn't felt for years. Excitement, happiness, even a little happy nervousness mixed in.

"I will see you then, Mitchie."

We said our goodbyes and the phone was passed on.

My dad was so glad I was doing okay, which I took as He was glad I could be around him. He told me that he was so proud of me, no matter what.

Avi told me that he and Kevin both missed me. I asked about the date they went on, the one in had heard them talk about at the hospital. He described it to me and I chuckled at how dreamy he sounded. He was really in love.

The last was Kirstie. "Mitch!"She squealed into the phone.

"Hey, KitKat." I replied, cringing at the ringing in my ear.

"I can't wait to see you! There is so much to tell you! But, I am not telling you over the phone. Oh! I talked with the Ward and they said that I could come over in two days. I still can't see my friend for two days." I listened to her rambling, eyebrow raised. I was not prepared for her next topic of conversation. "So, you and Scott, hm?" What was it with Kirstie and my mom about these suggestive comments.

"What about us?" I asked, curious as to where she was going with this.

"You're going on a date with him, tonight. And don't try to deny it. I was listening to the conversation."

"It's not a date, Kirst. Just a friend get together. Noting more."

"Uh-huh, sure, 'friends'. I have to go, Sweety. Love you. Oh! One last thing!" I could just see her air quotes around friends.


"Don't forget protection." Before I could even respond, tell her off, or register, the line went dead. As the words sunk in, my face heated up and I passed the phone back to the lady at the desk and headed to my room, my face hot hot with embarrassment. I needed something else to focus on. I looked up at the time. 12:27. I had just over five and a half hours to get ready.

As I walked into my room, I let myself finally believe that maybe, just maybe, it was a date.

Chapter four. Ta-da, Pitches. So? Date next chapter. For now on, it will literally be, "Fluff soon" because who knows when it will happen? I just write and the story flows. I have little control over it.

Now accepting date outfits and Movie ideas for them to go see on their date.

Oh, and stay sexy

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