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Like all good things, this must end too. I'm so sorry. I loved writing this series. Sometimes it was hard, others it was easy. But I really loved it. I really do love my readers and all of the Support you have me.

Thank you so much to all of the people who have helped me so much and have made my day on multiple occasions.

I also want to say this: All of you beautiful people, if you ever need to talk, or rant, hit me up. I will always answer. The moment I am able. I promise. I love you all so much.

Thank you all so much for reading this series and sticking with me, even as I struggled to keep writing sometimes.

I will be going through and Editing all of the books. Slowly, but surely.

This is Scomiche, signing out for the last time. I love you all.

Oh, and stay sexy

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