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He and I left immediately after that. I hated that we had to leave Kirstie's reception early because of me. I was so pathetic.

On the drive back to my house, I saw his eyes keep flicking to me. Why was he worrying?

"I am perfectly fine." I told him.

That was a lie. I wasn't. That was the worst relapse I had in almost a year. I felt like I was back in the months where I had just gotten home, how even a word could send me to a panic.

He stayed silent, letting me have time to think. As we pulled up to my house, I muttered to him.

"I'm sorry for ruining your night." I reached for the ring on my finger and began to twist it to get it off.

"What are you doing?" He asked, his blue eyes following my movements.

"Giving it back. I doubt you would want me now. I'm broken. I'm flawed. I'm scarred. I'm insecure. I make mistakes. I struggle. I'm hurt. I'm weak. Why would you want me? I'm a disappointment."

Immediately, his hands closed around mine. He pushed the ring back down to rest against my palm and knuckle, then lifted my chin until I met his gaze.

"Mitchie, you will never, ever disappoint me. I don't care what that voice tells you. I will never be ashamed of you." Scott's eye burned into mine. I couldn't deny the truth there.

"Truly?" I whispered. No one had told me that I didn't disappoint them for the longest time, and the words made my heart swell.

"Truly, my Queen." He lifted my hand to his lips. Then, we climbed out, car off.

He walked me up to the door, my hand in his. I bent down and dug under the place may for the spare, pulling it out and unlocking the door. I pushed it open and took a step inside.

Just as I though he was going to turn back to his car, his hand grabbed mine and he spun me to face him, pulled me close, and looked at me, silently asking permission. I stared at those eyes, now a dark shade, and gave a small nod.

Almost immediately, his lips were on mine and my eyes fluttered shut.

I slid my arms up his chest to wrap around his neck as he pulled me close by my hips.

The kiss was so many things. Gentle, a little awkward, exploring, a first timers kiss. But at the same time, there was love, and sparks went off.

The kiss made my knees weak, but it lasted little more than a few seconds before he pulled away, hands still on my hips. Then, they slipped up and rested against the bare skin on my back as he just held me there.

"God, Mitchie. I love you." He whispered. I smiled and dropped my head to lean it against his chest.

"And I-" The words stuck in my throat. I wanted to tell me that I loved him back, that me made my heart act in away that I was unaccustomed to. My made it flutter and soar with a simple word or gesture. I swallowed and tried again. "I l-love you." I managed to get the words out. They sounded so foreign to me.

He smiled, then drew back. "Time for me to return to my own home." He said and loaded my forehead, then turned and left me standing there just outside the threshold of my house, fingers running against my bottom lips.

As I shut the door, I let it all sink in and smiled.

"Goodnight, my Scotty."

So, short chapter. Just a filler. Another wedding nests. With in the next few chapters, the two chosen characters will make and appearance.

I really hope you guys like this.

Oh! And if any of you readers could give me any Information on Kaposi's Sarcoma, I would be ever so grateful.

Oh! After Home finishes, I plan on a new book. It's a Mavi story about two teachers that hate each other, then learn to love each other. Suggestions for names?

Oh, and stay sexy

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