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I simply laid down on the cold bathroom tiles and closed my eyes, fully expecting him to simply leave me to lay there. But I should have been smarter than that.

"God, Mitchie. Here. Take these." Scott murmured to me, reappearing beside me. I cracked open and eye and took the medicine he offered.

He propped me up and helped me take it. "Ibuprofen." He explained when I questioned. "It will help with your head ache. And this one is a view tablet. Pepto. It should help your stomach. Now come on, let's get you all cleaned up." He helped me up, closing the toilet lid and flushing it before helping me wipe off the make up.

Okay, more like he did it for me while I just stood there, eyes closed, leaning into him.

At last, he took my to bed, tucking me into the covers.

"Scott?" I asked as I laid there under the covers, feeling him climb in and pull me against him.

I breathed in his boyish scent as he answered.

"What's wrong? What do you need?"

I shifted closer. "Would you sing my a song? I can't sleep." I felt him nod and shift himself in the bed before he began to sing. It was the same Lullaby he would sing to me.

"Close your eyes, lay your head down. Now it's time to sleep. May you find great adventure, and you lie and dream. If you're scared of the darkness, I will calm your fears..." I could feel my body relaxing as he continued on, the music putting my mind at ease.

The wall was back up, and my mind was once again only fussy with alcohol.

At last, with his voice still rumbling in my ear, I fell asleep.

It was three months before we were ever able to to anything truly sexual. God, that was the best night of my life.

He was so gentle, so caring, so loving. Yet there was an underlying roughness and dominance about him that I loved.

The day before, Scott and I had been sitting there, when I Timidly brought up something I had been mulling over for weeks.

"Scott." No nickname. No sly grin. Just his name, in all seriousness.

"What?" I could hear the unease in his voice as he shifted to look at me, eyes worried.

"I-I want-well I would like to-" I growled in frustration and tried one last time.

"ScottIwanttoadopt." I rushed.

Chuckling, he turned me to look at him. "English please, Mitch."

"Scott, I want to adopt." He raised an eyebrow at me.

"You want another cat?" He asked in confusion, just as our new kitten, Wyatt, decided to make an appearance.

"No. I want to adopt a kid. A child. Someone who will be in our care." I explains day him and realization dawned upon him, before he broke out into a smile.

"Yes. Mitch. One hundred percent yes." He said and we hugged.

Three months later, we met our new daughter, a little girl, seven or eight years old. She had beautiful darker olive skin, like I did, and this pale green eyes, with short cut brown hair. She was wearing a cute, purple, spaghetti strap sun dress, in the middle of March.

"Hi." She greeted timidly as she came into the room, clutching a small bear, a platypus Webkinz.

"Hi, cutie." I waved at her as Scott took my hand in his, kissing it.

"A new family." She said softly to herself. "Another place that will never be home." it wasn't the words so much that troubled me. It was the fact that she was so sure of it.

God. I hoped it didn't turn out that way. If, that is, she liked us and we liked her.

After an interview that lasted almost an hour, Scott and I promised the little girl that we would be back tomorrow.

She gave me a grin and hugged out legs m, before walking off towards what I could I only assume was he bedroom.

That night, Scott and I talked for hours about this subject, until Finally, before we fell asleep, we came to a conclusion on the matter.

The next morning, just as promised, Scott I were there, grinning at the young girl as she brought a bag. All of her stuff was thrown inside.

I knew that they didn't have it easy, but seeing that the bag was all they had for their stuff, which said almost "You and your stuff has no value." I grinned at her as a simple appeared on one of her chubby, little girl face.

"Guess what?" I crouched down as she walked over to me.

"What mister?" She asked me.

"You have a new family." The adoption lazy spoke before I could answer.

She looked bewildered so I elaborated.

"My husband, Scott and I," I pointed at both of us before continuing, "have decided that out of every one we met, you were the one that we wanted to take home with us."

By this time, Scott was down beside me and she ran to us, nearly taking us out as she wrapped her arms around her neck.

She was crying, though they were tears of joy, her eyes bright with happiness. While Scott carried her smaller than average form on his back, I carried her bag with great delicacy, trying to show her just how much she would be cherished.

We buckled her into the five seater car, and then drove home. We had set up a room in the one spare room Scott and I had in the apartment, and took her to it.

"This is a yours." Scott told her as she stared at it all, crying again.

She hugged me tightly, tears wetting my clothes.

I simply held her close while Scott carefully pulled each item out of the bag and set it on her bed.

That night, the first time out of a long series of nights, I fell asleep beside her in the bed after I had sang her a song to help her sleep.

My life was complete.

Two chapters in about an hour. Go me!

So, meet Maddie. AltoPentaholic did I portray her right for you?

Oh, Carson is in the next few.

This book will be shorter than the other two books, so there aren't many more chapters left. I sorry.

Oh, and stay sexy

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