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I went to bed that night, still smiling to my self. I had gone on dates before, but it was so long ago, and the guys had always been looking for a little something extra. I guess that is what I get for dating men that were three, four years older than me.

But this time, it was so different. Scott was so respectful, kept his hands to himself, stayed invested in what I had to say, and allowed me to just stay quiet when I wanted to as he told me stories. I didn't fall asleep until later, just stared at the ceiling, thinking it all over.


The next morning, at the same time as always, I was up and dressed, but I was certainly not ready for the morning. To say that it was hard to do that would be an understatement.

I had very little sleep last night, and my energy was just completely drained. I really had no motivation to do anything, and really just wanted to stay in bed, but I had forced my self to get ready, and as I stood there, looking in the mirror, I felt pride grow in me because I had gotten myself up and ready on one of my off days.

Fixing the one piece of hair that kept falling across my forehead, I left my room.

Chores, food, down time. Every day. That was my agenda. But today, I got a surprise. One of the nurses told me that the Secretary wanted me. I simply smiled and nodded heading straight there, though my stomach was knotted with anxiety. All of it faded when I turned the corner and saw my family standing there.

My mother's face was instantly relieved when she saw me. My father smiled at me and have a small wave. Kirstie was beside him, right hand over her left hand. But what was the most weird was that Jeremy was there, his arms around her waist as he hugged her.

"Mitch!" My mom walked right up to me and paused holding open her arms. She wouldn't hug me. No, she let me make the choice. I simply moved into her embrace and let myself soak it up. This was the first time a big wasn't uncomfortable, pushing my limits. No. It was warm and was a type of hug I had missed all these years.

Next was my father, though, after my mother let me go, I walked up to him.

"Hey dad." I smiled and have him a hug. His arm wrapped around my shoulders, and I fought the small but of panic the welled up in me. It told me that I was trapped, but I knew, the moment that I wanted to be let go, that hand would drop. I stepped back and looked at him, spotting the tears in his cheeks and the small smile on his lips.

My last destination was Kirstie and Jeremy. I let the shorter girl move forward and hug me, noticing how she kept her left hand relatively hidden from me. Why? After she finished hugging me, I interrogated her on it.

"What's with your hand?" I pointed and she cast a small look up at Jeremy who nodded, then held out her left hand. On her finger was a sparkling ring.

"Oh my god!" I smiled at her and pulled her into a hug. "I'm so happy for you!" Then I pulled back and looked at her. "How long?"

"Three weeks." Jeremy answered this time.

I hugged her again, then shook Jeremy's hand. "You treat her well."

"I promise." He smiled and kissed her temple.

I spent the day with my family. I introduced them to all of the people at the Ward, other than Zoe, and basically, did something I hadn't done in years. Scott couldn't come, he was working, but he did call me. We had our next date scheduled for a week from now.

For some reason, my fear of Scott trying to take advantage of me was drowned out by the thought of another amazing night with him. I couldn't wait.

I am literally going to cry! I am so sorry that this took so long to write, even thought it is so short. I hate how short it is, but I have nothing else to say. I want more opinions.

A few short chapters of his stay at the Ward condenced, or chapters for certain things? Like in Absent. Many chapters of individual experiences, or only a few of his time there?

Oh! Where should they go on their next date?

I will warn you all now, this book will more than likely not reach Twenty. Or will be a short ending to this series.

What have you thought of them So far? Improvements I can made? Emotions they made you feel? Characters you want back? P.O.V's you want? Who's P.O.V do you want Kirstie's wedding in?

School starts this Wednesday, so not update promises! I am so sorry!

Any tips for a Sophomore going into their first year of high School?

Oh, and stay sexy

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