1 little Explanation

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I know you are all probably so sick of hearing from me, but I wanted to let you in on a little secret.

Most people Agonize over the names for their books, but naming Absent so easy. Now, while I was writing Absent, I knew that I wanted at least Book 2, which is where Found came. Then, when I knew that I wanted Mitch to live at the end, Home came into existence.

Now, how do these three names, Absent, Found, and Home, relate?

Well, in Absent, he is Absent, missing, Gone. He was found at the very end, and Book 2's name was to symbolize that he had been Located, Found. Book three though, is when he finally realizes that he is home. That this is not just something temporary that he is going to lose.

I dunno. I thought the symbolizing was so cute.

Did you all know, originally, There were only going to be two book, Absent and Home. But then I knew that I needed to write Found.

I don't know if any of you found that Symbolism, or of, now that I have stated it, think that it is cute.

I have one other thing. Have you noticed how little of the Voice we see in this?

Any guesses?

Well, you had your chance. Now I'm going to tell you. You can skip if you want.

It was because he was finally beginning to feel loved. He was driving away the negative, thus the Voice no longer was able to get a word in because Mitch finally believed that he was worth something and that he made someone's day brighter.

I will also, because I love you all so much, be writing Alternate endings and After the End Chapters in my one Shot book, so look out for that if you want. :)

I really am signing out for the last time for real on this book, and this series. I don't know guys. I'm getting all emotional and I don't know why. Does this always happen when finishing a series?

What books do you want to to start/finish now? Literally, I'm at a loss.

Oh, and stay Sexy

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