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Scott's P.O.V
Jeremy had asked Kevin, Avi, and I, as well as some other men he knew, to be his grooms men.

I was at their kitchen table, helping design the bouquets. I had been working with Jeremy for the past hour or so, and then he had to go leave to get something, so I was coming up with some more flower arrangements.

I knew Kirstin was up in her room, so the sound of footsteps rushing up behind confused me. I turned around and spotted the familiar burnet.

"Mitch!" I greeted happily and stood up. He was so animated, he was so happy. I had never seen him like this.

He wrapped his arms around me, and I took this as an invitation to hug him back.

"Guess what!" He said. I couldn't help but chuckle at his enthusiasm.

"What?" I answered, watching him crane his neck up to look at me.

"Kirstie asked me to be her Maid of Honor!" He was practically glowing with pride and I smiled down at him. "I mean, she asked me a couple of months ago, but I just forgot to tell you."

"That is so good, Mitchie!" I told him sincerely. It was good to see him so happy. But it didn't last long. A moment later, He suddenly dropped his gaze and sobered up.

"I'm sorry." He apologized quickly, keeping his eyes away. I felt his body stiffen and his arms dropped to his side as he uttered those word.

I stared at him in confusion, until it dawned on me why he was acting this way. Then I remembered that he used to be beaten for speaking, or because he had done something that required an apology.

"Why are you apologizing, Mitch?" I questioned softly. My answer from him was a mumble. "A little louder. Please?"

"I came in here and gloated. I didn't ask you how you were, didn't ask per-" I cut him off.

"Mitch." I said sternly. It had been almost two years since we rescued him, and he was getting better every day, but there were times when he would relapse and retreat back into his shell. "You came in here to tell me about something that made you happy, correct?"

There was no answer for a moment before he nodded silently.

"Then you have nothing to be sorry about. I am so happy for you and-" I cut my self off. And could listen to you all day long. "Now, tell me, are you going to wear a dress?" I watched as he relaxed and looked back up at me.

"Yes! Aactually, that is why I am here. Kirstie and I are getting together with the other Bride's Maids to pick out the dresses." I couldn't help the little butterflies glittering in my stomach when he gave me that bright, blinding smile he gave me, a rare sight. I doubted that even if I saw that everyday for the rest of my life, I would ever get sick of seeing it.

"I cannot wait to see what you look like in it, Mitchie." I beamed at him.

"Mitch! Come on! The others are here!" I heard Kirstin shout and I sent him in his way.

As I turned back, my hand moved to my pocket. From there, the butterflies in my stomach went from crush to Nerves.

A ring. A simple one, but the promise behind it was so much more. I wanted to ask him for a while now, but I didn't k ow how.

As I spent the next hours mulling over it, I finally came to a conclusion. But I didn't come to it until I heard Kirstin telling the Bride's Maids goodbye. As she shut the door, I called out to her.

"Kirstin! I need your help!" I twisted around in the chair to look at her.

"Kirstie." She corrected and walked over to me. "What do you need?" I had always loved how genuine and warm her smiled always were.

I stood up and walked over to her, rummaging in my pocket. "Well..." I said as I pulled out the simple rose gold band with a single white diamond set into it.

She giggled. "Um...Scott? I'm already taken..." She wiggled her left hand at me and I shook my head.

"I know that, and this ring is not for you. It's for Mitch."

No sooner had the words left my mouth then she had wrapped her arms around my torso. For some one so small, she had a very tight grip.

All the while, she was squealing.

"Oh my god!" She let me go and danced in her feet, doing a little cheer. "I am so happy for him. When are you going to ask him? How are you going to ask him. Where are you going to ask him?" She asked question after question and made me smile.

"That is my dilemma. I don't know. He is so shy and scare of people. I don't want to scare him."

She tapped her chin, then beckoned me with her finger. "I think I may be able to help you!" She said.

I followed her up the stairs into her room, where her computer was sitting in. I kept my eyes off the screen, because I didn't doubt that there was something in there I probably wasn't supposed to see, until she gave me the go ahead.

We sent a lot of time looking up ideas for ways to propose to Mitch that seemed like the most likely. Going out on Picnics. Fancy dinners. So many options, and yet none of them caught my eye.

Just as I was about to give up, I saw one and pointed it out to Kirstie.

"Oh my God! Yes!" She agreed. "That would be so perfect!" She and I spent another ten, twenty minutes talking about it, then said our goodbyes and departed.

I couldn't wait to ask Mitch. I hoped that his answer would be yes. I smiled, and climbed I to my car, ready to head home.

Wedding next chapter? And any ideas for Crimson and silver or crimson and gold bride's maids dresses?

I am sorry that Updates will not be as frequent cause my Wattpad is locked, save 2 hours a day and it makes me sad.

Anyway, and guesses on how Scott is going to Propose, and when he will proprose?

Oh, and stay sexy

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