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I stood there, looking at my mirror, checking my clothes, make-up, and hair. I studied my outfit, making sure everything fit together.

I wore a loose, dark green sweater, with a pair of black skinny jeans, and a pair of 'Creepers'. I couldn't believe that they were still in my closet. I had always slightly suspected that my family would have emptied my room in the years I was gone. Yet everything was still there. A few candy bars were missing, but everything else, all of it, was in it's place.

I gave myself a pathetic smile, studying myself. As I stood there, an all to familiar companion spoke up.

Why the fuck are you trying to look good? It's not like this is a date, or that Scott likes you. I mean, why would he? Let me restate all of the facts for you that you have forgotten in two, simple, words. You're broken. You are covered in ugly scars. You tried to kill yourself, left him to save your sorry ass. Not to mention the fact that you have a disease that you could spread to him, and a crippled hand!

My eyes, prickling with tears, shot to my right hand. Even after all of the physical therapy, it was still unable to some tasks, because of how badly I had damaged the muscles and tendons. Maybe one day, I would have full use of it.

There was a knock at my door. "Mitchell? You have company." One of the nurses. I look towards it and scrubbed away the tears, walking over to the door and opening it. I smiled at the nurse and then wandered down the halls ahead of her, leading the way into the front lobby.

My heart leapt when I saw him standing there, chatting with the Secretary. I timidly smiled at Scott, taking in his outfit. It was a long sleeve black shirt under a baggy red and black checkered shirt, a pair of black skinny jeans, and a pain pair of Vans.

"Mitchie!" He greeted as I walked up to him. He kept his hands to himself as he talked to the Secretary, and even as we walked outside into the cold, early February night air, he allowed me my space.

As we walked to the car, he looked over at me occasionally. Finally, I asked him why.

"Well, I keep staring at you because of so many things." Was all he said as he moved ahead of me to open my door.

"Thanks." I smiled to myself as I slid in, watching him walk around to his side. As he started the car, I thought over the past month or so. While I was in a coma, I could hear bits a pieces of the world. Two things said stood out to me still. The nurse that told me to fight, and Scott, chatting with me, though I wouldn't respond. Since I woke up, it had been easier for me to smile. I smiled for often, more genuinely. But I still found myself giving fake ones.

I had some of my energy back, and had some motivation.

I still had my off days, the days where doing anything just seemed impossible, believe me. Or the days where I had energy to do something, but ended backed myself into a corner with panic. I only hoped tonight was not either of those. I wanted tonight to be okay, and not one where Scott would have to deal with my panics again.

The ride was comfortably silent, the two of us simply enjoying the other's company. At last, we pulled into the parking lot of a restaurant. Village Inn.

"I remember coming here when I was younger with my family." I reminisced quietly, warm memories flooding my mind. My mom smacking my father's hand away when he tried to taste her food, my sister snatching up my dad's food, me hovering over my plate with a fork, ready to defend my food from any of them.

Just as I was reaching for my belt buckle, Scott got out of the car and raced around to my side, ready to open it for me.

"Thank you." I said as I climbed out. I felt like I would be doing a lot of thanking tonight, but I didn't mind. I hoped he wouldn't either.

We got seated, ordered our meals, a plate of pancakes for Scott, and an Orange Creme Crepe for me, and struck up a conversation.

"So, how has it been? You know, the whole 'Living away from home' thing?" It was a carefully worded question. I could see him trying to find and respect my boundaries, and something tugged at my heart when I noticed, setting butterflies off in my stomach.

"It is different." I said. "I am used to being away from home. But this is the first time I have ever..." I faded out, unable to find the right words.

He simply nodded in understanding. He knew what I had been through, to some degree, and it made it so much easier to talk with him, because I could stay well within my limits, and he would still understand.

We made small talk, just what we have been doing since we had seen each other last. Scott had been working again with the force, caught a burglar, broke up a fight, all while I had been being lazy and unproductive.

We ended up not going to a movie, and it was completely my fault. We bought our tickets and everything, say down, and lasted through the preshow credits. But, as the movie itself started, the dark of the theater set wheels in my brain turning, wheels that I hadn't allowed to spin for a while, ghost hands sliding on my skin. It was worse than it had been for weeks and soon, Scott and I left, the movie not even a quarter of the way done.

He led me out to the care and managed to calm me down, before taking my hand in his and looking at me.

"Mitch. You didn't ruin the night." He assured softly. How did he always manage to figure out what I was thinking? "Tonight was one of the best, if not the best, nights I have ever had. Thank you for letting me take you out." He let my hand go and adjusted himself inn the seat, buckles clicking into place.

He took me back to the ward, walking me in and waving goodbye as I was checked back in and sent to my room.

Emma was there, in bed already, but began to pepper me with questions, when I entered. I simply shook my head and got myself ready for the night.

Light out, and covers pulled up under my chin, I let myself think over tonight. It was perfect.

As I drifted off, smiling about the date, I had no clue that it was only the beginning of a new set in my jouney.

Guys!!!! I am so sorry that it took me so long! I have been suffering from the worst case of Writer's block and in ability to find the motivation to do anything! I am so so so sorry.

So, for those that want to know, Mitch's outfit is based off of the clothes he wore on the self titled album, and Scott's is a rendition of his outfit in Sing.

Date ideas accepted. Get together with his family next, or do you want Kirstie's wedding? Your choice. I will try to be patient with the answers, but you know.

Oh! And I know this is getting really long, but you, my beautiful readers, deserve to know. My school starts in ten days, and I am really busy this week with my Musical Stuff, so I have no promised updates. And, because school is starting, my schedule will be out of wack, because I have like 4 CE and AP classes. As a Sophy. So yay for that....

Oh, and stay sexy

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