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Two months before our first wedding anniversary, Scott, Maddie, and I moved into a nice neighborhood.

The neighborhood itself was so nice, cute, much like something from a dream. So many people showed up to help us move in, including a couple, Joey and Daniel, who smiled as their small son and Maddie pattered around on the grass.

There was also Jenna, who lived down the way, and Mario, Todrick, Shane, Hannah and her two Roommates Mamrie and Grace, as well as a couple of older couples who seemed quite I willing to have anything to do with anyone but each other.

Everyone was so kind and I couldn't help but smile at them all. Mario and I became quick friends, while Todrick and Scott talked.

That night, Scott and I laid awake for hours, just talking, mulling over when her or not movie was a good idea.

Scott rearranged his hours with the Department and was home in the mornings to see Maddie, now almost nine, off to school.

Scott and I sat at the breakfast table on a crispy Saturday morning, almost four months after our move, staring out at Maddie as she kneeled on the ground, building a small misshapen Snowmen, while singing the Frozen Soundtrack. Suddenly, she got up and ran inside.

Immediately, Scott and I were in our feet, Scott's attention on Maddie, while I stared at the window. Did something happen to her?

"What is it, Maddie?" I heard him asked as anxiety surged through me. Alex hasn't had anyone come after me or my family in months. Had he finally stared again?

"Papa, papa!" I felt her tug at my pants. I knelt down too and looked at her.

"Yes?" I asked.

"I know what I wanna be when I grow up!" She beamed and instantly all of the tension in me leaked away.

"What do you want to be?"

"A platypus!" She laughed, pale green eyes squinted close with laughter.

Scott and I began to laugh too, hugging her.

"At least it's not a stripper." Scott murmured in my ear after we sent her back outside.

"God, I hope it is never that." I whispered. I still had so many vivid memories of that lifestyle. So many things that could go wrong. So many things that did go wrong.

He simply hugged me in response as we resumed watching her play in the white powder, now making snow angels.

That night at dinner, as Maddie talked about the Platypus, her new favorite animal, she stopped suddenly and looked up at Scott and I, short brown hair a mess.

"I want a brother. You and Daddy should make one." She said suddenly as she cut up her food.

I chocked on my food as I registered her words.

Scott, who had frozen with his fork halfway to his mouth, was no help at all.

After I finished coughing, I looked at her. "What?" I croaked.

"I want a brother." She repeated.

"No. No, the other part. Where in earth did you come up with such a notion?" I stared at her, wiping away the tears that had steamed down my face.

"Oh. My friend at school said that his parents made him a sister. So, I thought, maybe you and Daddy could make me a Brother. But, so the parts cost a lot?"

By now, Scott had resumed moving, but only to laugh.

"Do the-" He kept trying to reform a sentence but couldn't around his chortling. "The-the parts!" I simply stared at him and reached over, snatching up his drink.

Nope. No alcohol. Why the hell was he laughing so hard?

"Papa? Did I say something funny?" She asked, looking up at me and I shook my head before smacking Scott on the arm.

"Scott! Get a hold of yourself." I turned from him as he struggled to get control of his guffawing, then began to eat again, my mind racing. I guess it made sense that Maddie would want a brother. Everyone else around here had two or more kids per family. Scott and I would be talking about it tonight.

At last, Scott had finally began to eat again, though every once and a while, he would start to giggle again. Maddie continued on with her babble about Platypusi.

Finally, we all finished and she went upstairs to finish her schoolwork.

"Scott. We need to talk." I said as we cleaned up dinner.

He stopped and looked at me, arching an eyebrow. "What's wrong, Mitchie?"

I didn't reply, just turned away from him and continued cleaning.

He came up behind me and trapped me against the counter.

"Don't be like that, my Queen..." He growled in my ear, pressing against me.

"Like what, Scottney? Telling you that whatever it is I have to tell you can wait? I thought you liked it when I teased?" I wriggled around until I was facing him. I lifted my arms up and wrapped them around his warm neck.

"Keep it up. I dare you," he challenged, his eyes glinting dangerously.

"Oh, so this is how you want to play?" I wondered, then struggled away from him and finished with dinner before I stopped at turned to face him.

He was still standing there, staring at me with narrowed eyes, the icy blue following my every movement.

"You're going to get it, Grassi-Hoying." He pointed at me before stalking up to me again. But this time, he took my hand and lead me to our bedroom.

"You wanted to talk, so get talking." He ordered, but I should my head.

"No. Maddie is still up," that, and getting him even more riled up would pay off in the end. He didn't seem swayed, so I pressed my advantage. "You wouldn't want her walking in on anything, would you?"

"Fine." He was instantly gone. I don't know how long it was I waited, but but the time he had returned, I had gone to lay down on the bed.

He closed the door firmly behind him and stared at me. "You're in for it now, Mitch."

If you would like me supply you with the stuffies that happen between now and the next chapter, Let me know and I may write it and stick it in my one-shot book, or even in this.

Ta-da, AltoPentaholic.

Oh, and stay sexy

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