Snap Tag

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So, I am going to start a new Tag. It's called the Snap Tag.

Snaps are messages to someone. While they are normally anonymous, we're going to drop it.

So, write a little letter to some of your friends and tag them. Then, tag people to do the tag.

Mitch_Is_Queen, you literally make my day one thousand times better with a simple "Hi". I love talking to you. You are so strong and so eccentric. Your smile is my favorite. Love you like XO, Mitchie. Remember that there will be a neat and movies and snacks.

The_Squish you are my favorite Aspie and I love you so much. I love hanging out with you and all of our convos we have. You are so genius with your stories and I love them.

AltoPentaholic. Girl, you are an absolute genius with your stories! They are so well thought out and planned, and I can tell you put a ton of thought into them. You are so strong, and so nice. I love talking with you.

awesome2bhere. Boo! I love you lots! I can't wait til we hang out again. And I still say Dean is the top and I will fight you. You are so beautiful and so funny.

claws606 I miss you so much Claws! You are an amazing artist and so creative. You are so quiet, and yet you put up with my crap. Emo Chicken DNA!!

Okay! I'm now tag the following people to do this tag:

Oh, and stay sexy

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