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The day I arrived, I was welcomed warmly by several staff, with a loving farewell from my family. I wouldn't be allowed to see them for about two weeks while I got settled and situated. This was going to be just peachy. Two week with completely strangers, with no family contact allowed.

There were three wings, that I knew of, in this building, not including the Staff's Wing.

I was in the least secured area, though that only meant we had more time out of our rooms, to be in the gardens and things like that, and even more Guest Visitation Privileges. But we were still on constant watch. At least two others in my wing were recovering from Suicide attempts, so I was thankfully not the only one.

There were five others in this wing. My new room mate, a girl named Emma, with a cute accent, was so sweet and welcoming, and introduced me to the others.

Amber hair pulled back into a neat bun, the girl walked ahead of me. "Oh! Daniel!" She squealed happily when she saw a green eyed, black haired boy who was walking towards us, seemingly lost in thought. His head shot up at her voice and a warm smile spread across his face.

"Well well well, Watson. Looks like you have a new buddy. Does that mean I lost my spot as your favorite?" He teased.

"Haha." She giggled and punched him in the arm. "You are still my number one. Plus, he's gay. I'll bet he will get along with others just fine. And he won't replace you."

They chatted for a minute or so longer, before Emma and I continued through the halls. While we were continuing on our tour meet and greet, I ran into, literally, a broad shouldered, well toned boy with a clean shaven face and blue eyes. I ended up on the ground, while the boy, or man rather, stayed up, looking shocked.

"Oh my god." Not only was he cute, but he was also Brittish. "I'm sorry! I didn't see you there. My apologies, mate. Now, I have to go, lots of queuing to do for a chance as some extra pudding from the kitchens." He smiled politely, then walked on, shouting something back at Emma. "Don't scare the boy to much!"

"That was the local boisterous loud-mouthed dork, Marcus. There are two others, but the girl, Zoe, never leaves her room, except when we have group meetings. Speaking of which, we have one tonight, actually!" She smiled brightly.

"One. Two. Three. Four..."I counted slowly, my voice quiet. "Five including me."

"Huh? What'd you say?" Emma asked kindly, looked at me over her shoulder.

"I was told that there were six people, including me, but I only count five. Who is the sixth?" I spoke up, looking down at the ground. Maybe I just misheard. Actually, that is the most likely scenario. It was probably a screw up on my part like always.

"Oh! I almost forgot! The last is Connor, Marcus's best friend. I pray that you never get stuck in a room with those two!" She began to laugh, but I froze. Stuck in a room. With complete strangers. People who I knew nothing about. Not only that, but two men, with at least one bigger than I was.

I began to shake and the thought, struggling my hardest to control the thoughts. I couldn't handle them now. No. There was too much going on and Scott wasn't here. I couldn't suffer through another attack alone. Especially not when strangers could see.

"Mitch? What's wrong?"

"N-nothing." I managed out, trying to banish the memories. I don't know how long I stood there, trying to control my thoughts and breathing, all the while, Emma standing by my side, staring at me worriedly.

"What was that about?" She asked softly after I managed to get myself under control. I simply shook my head in response. I wasn't going to try and tell her. She would more than likely find out at the group session tonight.

Falling silent on that subject, we, at last, located Connor. He was laying on one of the couches in front of the window that looked out on the gardens, feel thrown over the back of it. He was playing with a play station controller, though there was no TV.

"Are you screwing with Marcus's video playing again?" Emma asked as we walked in. Connor stopped fiddling with the plastic and looked up, eyes blinking curiously.

"New boy?" He asked hopefully. "And no! I'm not screwing with-"

"Connor, you better turn off that controller or so help me!" I heard a shout from down the hall and jump, trying to make myself smaller.

"The controller." Connor finished cringing at the hard state Emma gave him. "Fine." He held the button down and turned it off before setting it beside him, flipping around so he was sitting like a normal human being.

"Hi!" He smiled at me. I have a small wave and looked away, hating that he was staring. "Can't want to get to know you!" He chirped, then flopped sideways.

"Connor, you're being creepy again." Emma pointed out, making the messy haired boy sigh.

"Don't worry about it..." I said quietly, feeling obligated to add to the conversation. "I'm used to worse." It almost made me sad true that statement was.

That's because people know exactly how to talk to a slut like you. What makes you think, the moment they find out what happened, that they are actually going to still want to be around you? That they won't try and see just how good of a time you are? Oh, by the way. I'm back!

I closed my eyes right. It had almost been a little over a month since I had heard that same Mocking tone. The voice, for days, had been silent, as though it was gone. And I had hoped, so much.

There was a ringing bell and the two looked up. "Well, time to got to the 'Counseling Group'." Connor smiled at me and walked away.

Chapter two. Okay, because I don't know anyone who has been sent to a mental facility for suicide watch and things like that, I am doing the best I can with what I know about institutions, which is not much.

The Wingmates are Emma Watson, Daniel Radcliffe, Zoe(Zoella), Marcus Butler, and Connor Franta.

Oh, and stay sexy

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