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Scott and I decided that our wedding would be in October. He told me that it was because October was his favorite month, but I had a suspicion that it was because that was the month I had be kidnapped, brought into this nightmare, and the month Tuesday had died.

The date was set. October 10. That gave me nearly eight months to prepare myself. This was a commitment like no other. I was psyching myself out.

Weeks of days spent planning, of night spent staring at my ceiling.

Around my twenty second birthday, I moved in with Scott. At first, he told me that he was going to be the one to sleep on the couch and that the bed was all mine. Then, after I had a particularly bad nightmare, he began to share the bed with me.

Today, as I stood, staring at my reflection, I felt my insides coil with nerves. "Kirstie?" I asked my companion. She looked up from where she was meticulously fixing my already perfect flowers.

"Yeah?" She asked, the flowers set aside so she could stand and walk over.

"I'm broken. I'm flawed. I'm scarred. I'm insecure. I make mistakes. I struggle. I'm hurt. I'm weak. Why would he want me?" I whispered quietly, staring at myself in the mirror.

I wore a tight fitting black tux, with a crisp, white shirt, held together with a crimson tie, a deep blood red color. But none of this could hide how damaged, how absolutely broken I was. I was a mess. Did he choose me out of pity? Out of a need to fill some promise he made years ago? The same one I told him to forget? Why?

"I can't answer that, save this: He sees you as you are and I know that it is only a man as imperfect as he is. He loves you. I can see it in his eyes when he looks at you when you can't see him." She informed me and made me look at her, even though I had to look down. "Now, let's get you finished."

Half and hour later, she deemed me done and stood me once more in front of the mirror. "You are so handsome." I stared at myself.

Foundation, some mascara, eyeliner, and blush, as well as some wicked contouring. She made me presentable, if that was possible, but my scars were still there. Still visible, still ugly.

I glared at my reflection and finally turned from it, hating what I saw staring back.

Kirstie walked over and took my arm. It was time. I left the small room and headed towards the doors. We had rented a small pavilion and I was in a storage room of sorts. That's where my dressing room was. While we had so many differences from a traditional wedding, such as I was going to walk down the isle alone, we would have no Groom's men, and we were both males, there were a few similarities, such as my meeting Scott at the alter. I couldn't wait, and yet, I also felt like I could wait forever.

I nervously tugged at my suit coat and followed Kirstie, letting her lead me along.

I walked straight through those doors after my best friend and she walked ahead. I watched as she turned and stood beside her husband, beaming at me.

My eyes then traveled to Scott and I had to force myself to keep walking as I stated at him. His suit, exactly like mine, got him so well. His scruff was neat, and there was not a hair on his head that was out of place. He looked so unbelievably happy, even with tears streaming down my face.

As I went to stand across from him, I became aware that I was crying as well, though I was unsure of why.

He took my smaller hands in his warm grip, staring at me with those beautiful blue eyes of his.

I don't remember much, not even my own vows, but Scott's will always be ingrained in my memory.

"There are so many things I wanted to tell you, but I shortened it because I knew I would have a life time to tell you." He paused, staring at me with teary eyes. His voice, when he began again was so soft, the preacher had to hold the microphone closer to his mouth. "I know you do not like when I bring this up, but I feel like it is a must. First time I saw you, I knew right away that you would be one of the gayest men I would ever meet. Haven't failed that expectation yet." He gave a laugh, that laugh that people give when they are crying but someone tells a joke. Everyone else chuckled, though I remained silent.

It wasn't that it wasn't funny. No. It was just that if I started to laugh, I would start to cry and just completely fall apart right there. I have him a smile and urged him to continue.

"I have a something to tell you. I see you. I see your strength and courage, your hesitations as fears. I see the way you love others, and struggle to love yourself. I see how hard you work to grow, and your dedication to heal. I see your vulnerable humanity, and your transcendent divinity. These qualities, each and every one, out weight every negative thought you have about yourself ten to one. You are absolutely beautiful, and I and so incredibly lucky to call you mine."

Through more tears, I stared at our hands as my simple rose gold band was replaced by a beautiful rose gold crown ring.

"Oh my god, Scott." I whispered.

"My lovely Queen." He murmured in response. This was only for our ears, for the preacher had already began speaking again.

The moment the man announced us Husband and husband, I grabbed the lapels of Scott's suit and pulled him into a kiss.

His arms encircled me and he kissed back with just as much vigor. I could hear, faintly, the shouts and cheers from everyone around, but nothing but Scott's lips on mine mattered.

I pulled away and smiled at him.

"I love you." The first time I would say those words in forever together.

Oh, how Naive of a newlywed I was. Forever. It never promises anything.

Ta-da, an update! What do y'all think. Next chapter will take place at a few different times. And, those characters I picked will be introduced soon, so look forward to that. 😄

Oh, and stay sexy

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