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Warning: Some suggestion of Smut
Again, our lips met. The moment we pulled apart, I leaned into his chest and let the feeling of his embrace envelope me. I looked at everyone, and for the first time in years, I didn't feel the nagging feeling of sadness that was always tugging at my heart. For once, I was finally happy.

I pulled back a little and gave him a big smile. "Oh my God." I murmured as he finally let me go.

"What?" He asked, as people started to walk up and greet us.

"I'm married, married to the kindest man I know." I replied as it all finally began to sink in.

He didn't get a chance to reply because my mother came over and wrapped him in a tight grip. I could tell by his face that he was surprised.

"You better make my son happy!" I heard her threaten, but everything else she said was lost as Kirstie bolted up to me and wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me. I laughed and hugged her back.

"How does it feel, Mitch?" She let go and stepped back, looking at me with her big eyes, which were a dark green color today.

"God, how do I even begin to describe it? It is so many things. I, at last, belong to someone who I believe will cherish me, and who I can love unconditionally." I said wistfully, looking over Scott.

Person after person came up and spoke to us, either together or personally. I cast a smile his way every chance I got. This was the first time in years I had smiled this much, and this genuinely. I never wanted the euphoria to wear off.

After we all finished, the reception started. There was drinking, and there was music. The younger family members had all been taken home, and most of those left were light drinkers. But the dancing was a mess. We didn't have a mother son, father daughter dance. It was just lots of people talking and shaking their bodies from side to side

Finally, the party ended and people stumbled to cars with their more sober friends.

Scott was much more sober than in was and he stuck me in the passenger seat of his car while I stared out the window at the lights, laughing occasionally.

I'm blaming this whole thing in the alcohol, because I would never have been bold enough to do what I did next.

I turned in my seat and looked at him before snaking made over and panning his crotch. I can't remember much else of what happened during the car ride, but I remember snippets of conversations.

"Mitch. No." Scott growled.

"Why not?" I whined.

Then nothing I don't remember his answer, or what he did in response.

"Mitch? Come on. We're home." I remember that. What I pretending to be asleep? Was I ignoring him?

Again, nothing more came to me to answer my questions.

Finally, a whole chunk of the night came back to me.

There I was, laying in the bed, the faint sounds of Scott in his kitchen reaching my ears. I didn't know What he was doing, but I didn't feel good enough to walk. In fact, I felt a bit sick to my stomach.

Scott appeared moments later with a cup in his hand.

"Here you go, my beautiful." He murmured and walked to cup over to me, where I sipped feebly at it. Once I had enough, he set the cop on the bed side table, and came out onto the bed.

Slowly, he uncurled me and laid me out on my back, straddling my hips. I simply stared up at him, transfixed by the deep shade of blue his eyes had turned.

I song remember how, but soon, we were both shirtless, and his lips were on my neck, soft at first, then he began to bite and suck, leaving a mark and earning whines from me.

I lifted my hands up and ran them down his chest, giggling slightly, before slipping them lower and lower.

This action earned a sound, a low rumble, from the back of Scott's throat. He grabbed my hands and gently moved them away, placing them above my head.

As I stared up at him, I felt something in my mind crumbling. I didn't know What it was, but suddenly, instead of Scott's beautiful, loving face, in was staring at Alex, gave twisted in anger. I couldn't see those beautiful blue eyes that had always made me feel safe. All I could see was the dark, evil pale brown of Alex's eyes.

"No." I shook my head weakly, trying to get rid of his face. My mental wall. That was what crumbled. The wall I had built to keep my memories locked away, just as I had learned to do. But they were all back.

"Mitchie?" I heard Scott murmur. But the faces and the voices were still there. The faces still jeered at me.

They spun above me, laughing calling my out. Pointing out my flaws again. Telling me just how worthless I was, as though I didn't already know that.

I was so stupid to believe that today would be any different.

I was still me.

I was still worthless.

I laid there, tears streaming down my face, before curling into a ball. I could hear Scott talking to me. But I couldn't make out the words. They sounded almost like he was trying to speak to me through water.

My stomach was rolling and I felt light headed. The world seem as I sat up ad stumbled to the bathroom, squinting against the lights, my head pounding. I just made it to the toilet before I upended the contents of my stomach.

I felt a presence behind me. Scott.

He rubbed my back and kept my fringe out of my face, murmuring to me.

Once I had finally stopped, he stood up and walked away. I would leave me too. O was no doubt an absolute mess.

I let myself lay there and cry.

I promise, those two will appear in the next one or two chapters. I will tag you in them too.

Do you care what their sexuality is? AltoPentaholic and RoseGoldHeart?

Dark themes for some of the book. So, be prepared.*Breaks out into song because I am trash*

Oh, and stay sexy

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