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I squint and cover my ears as the loudspeaker goes off. "Rise and shine! Time to brush your teeth and-"

Blah blah blah.

It feels like three in the morning. Way too early. I roll over to the other side of the bed and decide to close my eyes. I fall back asleep to the sound of Robin yawning.

.     .     .

"Amber, I suggest you wake up."

I look at the foot of my bed and see Robin. She's fully dressed and looks fresh out of the shower.

"Why?" I groan.

"People who sleep-in have to stay in this place longer."

After hearing those words I suddenly feel ten times more awake. I stretch, hop out of bed and walk out of my room.

I look at the time. 6:45. Still way too early.

.     .     .

I sit in the Day Room next to Robin, struggling to keep my eyes open.

"How are you not exhausted?" I ask her.

"You get used to it. I've been here for a decent amount of time."

Emily walks out of her room. Her hair looks like she just hooked up with her roommate. I chuckle as I notice the dark circles under her eyes; indicating she received little-to-no sleep.

She seems to notice my mockery as she starts walking towards me.

Oh no.

I feel pressure on my shoulders as Emily attempts to spin me around to face her.

"Don't touch me." I push her nasty hands off me as I turn around.

"Look newbie, I don't know what you're trying to prove, but Ethan is off limits." Her stench causes me to cringe as she walks closer to me. "I mean, come on, it was your first day here and you were already trying to unhook his belt?"

My heart starts pounding.

"Why don't you try taking a shower for once in your life, huh? Canada can probably smell you from here." I blurt out my closest attempt to an insult.

Her facial expression shifts to pure hatred, but before she could re-open her mouth, Ethan walks into the room. Both of our gazes turn to him.

He isn't wearing his glasses, he's slumped, and some of his hair is sticking up.

Man, I haven't even looked in the mirror yet. I wonder if I look as greasy and sleep-deprived as the rest of the people in here.

Emily walks away from me and gives Ethan the biggest fake grin I've ever seen.

He waves back, but decides to sit next to me. 

Her smile turns into a frown, and that look of hatred returns as her eyes dart towards me.

Stupid bitch.

"How did you sleep?" Ethan asks me.

I bite my lip and think of my dream last night. Dolphins playing in an ocean filled with snot.. Nothing worth talking about.

"I slept great." I say.

"You didn't get a bright light in your face multiple times during the night?" That guy Connor asks me.

I look at him and raise an eyebrow.

"They don't do that to newbies. They want them to sleep well on their first night." Ethan says to him.

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