18. The formal

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Eunwoo's P.O.V

It was morning and I was with Areum. We were in the practice room.

"So you are going right?" I asked.

"Yes. I bought a dress the other day," she said.

"So you did go with Mi Young to get one?" he asked.

"No, Jinwoo took me," she said. "And he's my date."

Hearing his name made me slightly upset, but him being with her was what made me angry.

"Jinwoo?" I asked. "Why him?"

"He told me we would go as friends," I said. "I really hope my brother was here to see this. The fact that I have made good friends."

"Your brother?" I asked. It reminded me that Haeun's brother passed away almost three years now.

"Yes, he passed away about... three years ago? Wow. Time flies," she said.

"He died? Three years ago?" I made sure.

"Yes. I remember it being miserable. And I don't remember much after that. The last thing I remember was that I attempted suicide with pills before I went into a coma for two months. I was taken to rehabilitation for a while... and I started all over again."

"Areum... why did you do that?"

"I had kept a journal through that time. I had moved away and went to a school where I was bullied and beaten everyday. I don't remember but that's what I have written."

"So you forgot things after you were in a coma?"

"Yes. That's what my mom told me. I keep asking her of I missed important  events, but she claims it's best if I don't know."

I knew this was her. I knew that I have found her again, but I can't be too sure either.

I walked her back home.

"Thank you for walking me home," she said.

"Areum, I am really sorry for what you had to go through," I said.

"It's nothing. I'll see you tonight."

I walked her to her doorstep.

"Well... I can't wait to see your preformance," she said.

"Areum," said a woman's voice when the door opened. It was an older woman.

"Hello, Areum's friend," the woman said. I took a good look at the lady. It was Haeun's mother.

"Hello," I said, slightly bowing. "I am Eunwoo, nice to meet you."

I tried to keep it in.

"Eunwoo?" the lady questioned. She looked at Areum. "Areum, please go inside."

"Yes," she said. She looked at me before she walked inside and smiled at me.

The door closed as Areum stepped inside.

"What do you think you are doing here?" her mother asked.

"Is she..." I started.

"You can't force thoughts from her past to her. It can harm her. I want her to forget what happened. I want her to forget you too," she said.

"Haeun," I said to myself.

"Don't call her by her real name either. She started a new life, and she seems to be really happy. I don't want her to attempt-"

"Is it her? It's really her? My Hauen?" I asked as a few years slipped out of my eyes.

"Yes. She is. Please don't tell anyone. You loved her once, and I don't think you would want the worst for her. I am begging you. Please don't force memories into her. It might come back to her later anyways, but she'll be harmed if they're forced."

"I understand Ajumma," I said.

"I am counting on you," she said. "Keep this a secret. Even from Areum."


Jinwoo's P.O.V

I wore a white button up shirt with a pink tie. The boys and I were all going to wear the same outfit.

I took a last look at myself, giving my hair a quick fix.

"Aren't I going to be a lucky guy," I said to myself, thinking of Areum.


I drove up to her house and knocked on her door.

"Jinwoo!" Areum said, as she opened the door.

I felt my jaw drop open. She looked amazing. She had on the dress she bought the other day and her hair was curled and put in a messy bun as stands fell out. She never had her hair up or makeup done, but it made her perfect facial features stand out.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"Y-yes," I stuttered. "We should go now."



We arrived at the school formal. Everyone else seemed to be arriving too.

I held her hand, and she gave me a questioned look.

"I want people to know you're my date," I said.

"Okay," she said.

She gained many stares as we walked in. I spotted other girls giving her glares and whispered things to each other.

"I'm going to go say hi to Mi Young," she said to me.

"Okay," I said.


Areum's P.O.V

"Damn, Areum!" Mi Young said, looking surprised. "You look so pretty!"

"Thank you. You do too," I said.

"You are probably the prettiest girl here, I'm not even kidding," she said.

"I had some people look at me meanly," I said.

"That's because they are jealous. Wait till Minhyuk sees you. Or Eunwoo," she said.

"About that," I said to her. "I... I confessed."

"Confessed? To who?" she asked, excitedly.

"Minhyuk-" I tried to say before I was cut off.

"Students, please give your attention to the talented Cha Eunwoo," a teacher announced over a microphone. I don't think Min Young heard me.

Everyone applauded. I saw Eunwoo sit on the stage on a stool with his guitar.

After everyone calmed, he started.

The melody was much like the song he had played before on his piano, but this time, he sang with lyrics.

The lyrics were deep and ver thoughtful. It was obvious he spent so much time preparing the piece.

I listened to every lyric well.

"Sounds like he's in love," Mi Young whispered to me.

After he finished, everyone whooped and hollered his name and applauded.

"Areum, did you like it," he said into the microphone. Everyone exchanged looks, and I gained stares.

He walked off the stage, and everyone's eyes followed him. He was walking towards me.

He came up to me and stood really close.

"You look so pretty," he said. A tear slid down his cheek. "Just like the first day I saw you."

He held my face and before I knew it, his lips touched mine, and kissed me.

I didn't feel anything towards Eunwoo, but the way he kissed me felt so natural. Like it was real.

He pulled away, and stroked my face. Our eyes were locked on each other.

"I found you," he said.

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