25. Notes

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Areum's P.O.V

I couldn't stop looking at the picture. It was me. And Eunwoo.

I looked more and more into the box. I looked at the dates, and it was from over two years ago.

There were pictures and notes from Eunwoo.

Ya, Haeun why are you so hyper today? Hahaha. You're so cute.

All the notes were written so neat and with so much thought. Eunwoo really liked Haeun.

I couldn't stop thinking that this whole time he hasn't forgotten.

I began to cry. He sounded so in love. Looking at the journals I wrote during those days that were inside the box. I loved Eunwoo.

"I found you," Eunwoo said.

Now I knew what he meant that day.

But I couldn't go back to Eunwoo. I liked Minhyuk. I liked Minhyuk a lot.

I also found pictures and journal entries about Jinwoo.

Jinwoo told me he liked me and kissed me. I don't know how to react to that. I ant to tell Eunwoo but they are good friends. I don't want to be that person.

But the fact that Jinwoo kissed me before Eunwoo did, made Jinwoo my first kiss. I can't stop thinking about it. He can't be.

I usually forget dreams, but the one from last night kept playing in my head. Jinwoo kissing me.

I didn't know what to feel. Especially knowing that it actually happened.

Should I tell Eunwoo? Or Jinwoo? Or Minhyuk? 

Maybe I should just keep it to myself for now.


Mina, Ji Hyun, and Seo Jun approached me, as I closed my locker door.

"Hey Areum," Mina said, with a fake smile. "Or should I say Haeun?"

They laughed histerically.

"W-what are you talking about?" I asked.

"You know real well, Haeun. Stop acting like this. You look stupid," Seo Jun said.

"Just leave me alone," I said, walking away, but Ji Hyun yanked me back by my hair.

"Ya! Did we tell you you could leave?" Ji Hyun, said raising her voice.

"Let me go!" I said, finally making her let go of my hair.

"You're hiding something, and I will expose you. Maybe Minhyuk will actually see who you really are," Mina said, and then they all walked away.


At lunch, Mi Young was telling me something, but I couldn't pay much attention from yesterday. Knowing that I had so much that went on and it was completely erased from my memory.

"Areum? Areum!" she said, snapping. "Are you okay? What happened?"

"N-nothing," I stuttered.

"Obviously something is going on. Now tell me. I know I am going to find out someday," she said. I took a deep breath.

"I suffered from amnesia after waking up from a coma, after attempting suicide with pills. And I forgot many things, especially my name."

"Areum," she said trying to comfort me.

"I have another name and a past that I didn't imagine," I said, in tears.

"Areum, let's go," she said, guiding me out of the cafeteria. I gained stares.

Before we walked out, I felt someone grab my arm.

"Areum," Eunwoo said. I looked at him for one second, and walked away with Mi Young to the girl's bathroom.

I couldn't look at him the same way anymore. I felt like I have lied to Eunwoo this whole time. He has been heartbroken from Haeun, I felt like it was too late to even tell him.

"Areum," Mi Young said. "You can tell me anything. You know that."

And I did.


"My precious Areum," Minhyuk said, lightly pinching my cheeks.

"Hi," I said, faking a smile.

"Why that smile? Did something happen?"

"N-no. Why?"

"You seem really off today. Will a kiss make it better?"

"Stop," I laughed.

"Ya! It's unfair how Eunwoo kissed you like that. Why can't I?" he said, teasing.

"I didn't ask for it."

"Just one?" he begged, with puppy eyes.

I leaned I'm and quickly kissed his cheek.

I turned to my right, and saw Eunwoo just standing there.

"I hope I'm not interrupting something," Eunwoo said.

"Well you are," Minhyuk said pulling me closer to him.

"You are just too much, aren't you?" Eunwoo chuckled.

Eunwoo took my hand.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Minhyuk said.

"Taking back what's mine."

"You're not taking her anywhere," Minhyuk growled, as he shoved Eunwoo, but Eunwoo only chuckled at his anger.

"Minhyuk! Stop it!" I said, grabbing his hand, and pulling him towards me.

"Let's go," I said to Minhyuk.

He put his arm around me and we walked down the hallway.

I couldn't help but look back to see Eunwoo, and he was still there, but with an upset face.

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