Chapter 1

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Song: Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time - Panic! At the disco

The smell of bacon hits my nose and I slowly open my eyes to see the natural light coming in through the window near my king bed. I stretch and get out of the bed and make my way to the door and open it.

"Mommy! You've been asleep forever! Daddy made us breakfast but he burnt all the pancakes." I chuckled at how quick she talked because of all the thoughts on her mind. I picked her up and studied her big brown eyes and dark black curly hair and smiled.

"Well daddy is so silly isn't he?" She laughed in response. I carried her downstairs to the kitchen and saw a tall man at the stove with short brown hair and glasses on from what I could see. And just as he was turning around- BEEP BEEP BEEP.

Fuck. Always at the best part when that damn alarm goes off. I sit up and slam my hand onto the snooze button and fling my body back into the bed. Just as I begin to doze off I hear loud slamming in the wall behind me and quite dirty sounds. Damn neighbors.

"I JUST WANT SOME SLEEP!" I yell, slamming my fist into the wall. I rip the blankets off my body and stand up slowly. I grab some sweatpants off my floor that has very odd stains and shimmy them on. I look at my clock and groan realizing I'm thirty minutes late. Stupid alarm clock. I walk to my door and twist the knob then fall to the floor as the door completely comes off its hinges. I slowly get up and walk into my living room.

"Well good evening beautiful." I jump and turn to look at my couch where some guy was laying with his hand in a tub of cheese balls and the other down his pants.

"Who are you, why are you here, and why are you eating my cheeseballs?" I ask in confusion as he just laughs.

"Babe don't you remember? we had sex!" I groaned.

"Look buddy I have no clue when this happened because I have sex with a lot of people and I don't keep track, so please if you could so kindly get the fuck out of my apartment? Oh and put my damn cheeseballs back." I really need to get out of the habit of sleeping with random people this guy is disgusting and ugly, what the hell was I thinking? The man scoffs and spills my whole tub of cheeseballs on my carpet before stomping out. What a dick!

I walk out of my apartment and start making my way to the club. It's a beautiful night and it's very warm considering I live in LA. I arrive at the club with the bright XXX sign outside of it and enter through the back.

"And she arrives! Only forty minutes late!" My manager yells as I walk in. I ignore him and grab my clothes from the rack and walk into the dressing room. I undress and put on the skimpy leather two piece and sigh. I exit the dressing room and sit in front of my mirror and put on my red wig and excessive amounts of makeup. I talk to some of the other girls as I do so just like every other night.

"Alright Diamond you're up!" My manager yells. I stand and put on my matching heels and walk on stage. People cheer as I walk to the pole and do my usual routine, spin, dip, drop, bounce and whatever else pleases the crowd. When the song ends I grab my cash off the floor and walk of the stage while putting my top back on. I go to my bag in the dressing room and put the cash in before walking around the club offering dances. The club is pretty packed like usual and I easily find people to give dances. I walk past a table with about five men and one of them stops me.

"Excuse me beautiful but it's my buddies bachelor party and he hasn't gotten a dance yet." I smile at the tall lean man and put my hands on my hips. I look at the table of men and see one in the middle who looks out of place and nervous, That must be him.

"Well come on sweetheart I don't bite unless you want me too" I put on my fake sexy voice and took his hand.

"Whats your name baby?" I ask lightly pushing him down in the chair in the private room.

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