Chapter 6

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Song: Hate that I love you - Rihanna

A/N: There are slight mentions of things that cam be uncomfortable for some people, if that is you please don't read. Enjoy!

~Layla's POV~

"Layla why are you getting mail from Barbados?" My head shot up from my phone and to Brendon who was standing at the door with todays mail. I launched off the couch and into Brendon's arms, causing him to drop all the mail.

"Babe what are you doing?" I just smiled and kissed his lips.

"Let's go upstairs baby." Brendon looked at me confused.

"Layla we had sex before I went to get the mail can I have a little bit of a break?" I groaned and hopped out of his arms picking up the mail he forgot about and slipping the one from my mother in the back of my shorts. I set the rest of the mail down on the kitchen counter and sighed, looking out the window at the sun that was setting over the sky with a nice orange haze.

"What was all that about?" Brendon said from the couch with a playstation remote in his hand.

"Brendon we need to talk." I forced out which was painful to do since I was dreading this conversation. He reluctantly set the remote down on the table and looked at me. I sat across from him on one of the chairs and started talking.

"a few years ago, I went to prison, as you know, but before I did I had this boyfriend. He was your typical hoodrat, drug addict, alcoholic, and generally a dick. When I got arrested I was arrested for stealing pregnancy tests because I was to scared to ask him for the money to buy them. The whole box came out positive and then I went to jail for a year." My voice cracked numerous times throughout the confession and Brendon had a blank face so I continued.

"I had a baby boy named Oliver while still in jail and my mother from Barbados took him there and raised him since my boyfriend wouldn't, saying I wasn't cable of being a mother which is-

"True." I met Brendon's eyes that showed nothing but anger.

"It's the truth, your mother was right. you can barely take care of yourself let alone a child! And you just now told me this? How much longer would you have hidden it from me if I didn't find that letter? You know what? I'm not even surprised you got pregnant considering you're such a slut!" After Brendon's outburst I could see he regretted saying it but it was too late for me to care as I was rushing out of the house in tears. I walked down the street in Brendon's big sweatshirt and my flip flops with tears and mascara running down my face. I've been called a slut before, a terrible mother from my own mother, why does it hurt so much when Brendon says it? Maybe because he really meant it when he did. And if things couldn't get any worse, I felt a couple raindrops on my shoulder and head. This must be god crying over my life that continues to go to shit.

The rain is down pouring now which must be bad luck since we live in LA and rain isn't to common here. I find an alleyway and slide down the brick wall onto the wet pavement. I laid my head back and let the tears flow freely. I was near the cafe and I could see Brendon frantically telling Victoria something, she just shook her head and shut the cafe door, flipping the open sign over to closed. He started to get to close to comfort so I stood and speed walked down the alley looking behind me until I ran into someone. I looked up and saw about five guys blocking my way. I basically threw up in my mouth when they eyed me up and down.

"Cmon sweetheart lets have some fun." The main one said, Picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder. I was so angry with myself I didn't even bother to put up a fight. I knew it was to dark for Brendon to find me so I just gave up.

~Brendon's POV~

I looked everywhere for Layla but apparently I didn't look hard enough because I still haven't found her and it's about 11:30. I sigh as I finish a bottle of whiskey from my shelf and think about everything I said. I didn't mean any of it, I still love her, kid or not. I was just frustrated for whatever fucking reason. I ran a hand through my damp hair from the rain and fell asleep in my own tears.


I woke up at five am and shot off the floor and out of the house to go look for Layla. After about twenty minutes I found her in an alley shivering and crying I rushed over and began to pick her up.

"No! Please don't touch me! Not again! P-please." I took a step back in shock at her eyes clenched shut and her knees tucked into her chest. What happened to her?

"Layla, baby it's just me. It's Brendon." She looked up at me through her tears and slowly opened her arms out towards me. I gently wrapped one arm around her waist and the other underneath her legs, picking her up from the dirty pavement and walking home with her in my arms. As soon as we got home, she jumped out of my arms, took a shower, and went to bed without saying a word to me. I figured we could talk when she wakes up, so I took a nap on the couch fighting back tears.

~Layla's POV~

I woke up, happy It was the weekend and I that didn't have work. I wanted to forget everything that happened last night but I know I can't and I shouldn't, we have to talk it out. I pull the blankets off my body and sigh at the absence of Brendon in our bed. I walk out of the room and downstairs to the living room where Brendon was sitting on the couch sipping a glass of whiskey. I quickly snatched the glass out of his hand and poured it carefully back into the bottle.

"It's to early for drinking and we need to talk." Brendon groaned and rubbed his face.

"Last time we did that I called you a terrible mother and a slut which is not true and then you ran out. Don't you think we've done enough talking?"

"How do you know it's not true? I was in prison for fucks sake! When you meet me I was a stripper this close to being a prostitute to get more money! You know nothing about me Bren-" I yelled until I was cut off.

"I know your favorite movie is the Avengers, I know Loki is your favorite character, I know your favorite color is mint green, I know you hate the fact that Target has to many security cameras, I know you can watch seven seasons of supernatural in three days, I know your birthday is on February 17th but you don't tell anyone because you hate celebrating it, and I know that I love you more than anything in the world and that what I said to you last night wasn't true, I'm so sorry Layla." I could hear in the crack in his voice meaning he was about to cry and I pounced on his lap and gave him the biggest hug I could muster the strength for. No one has ever even bothered to learn those pointless things about me. He hugged back and buried his head in my neck, planting gentle kisses on it.

"So do you forgive me?" I chuckled and held on tighter.

"No not really but if you keep saying sweet shit like that I totally will." And that's how we spent the rest of the day, saying what we love about each other and kissing, being very cheesy, cliche' and fluffy dorks. After that, I went down to the cafe took two weeks off, went home and booked a flight to Barbados. Time to see my baby boy again.

A/N: Pretty short chapter because my computer was in the apple store all week ;( Better chapter next week I promise! Also 100 READS!!!! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH <3

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