Chapter 8

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A/N: heyo I'm gonna start doing songs for each chapter that fits what happens in each one and I should have a playlist for this story done soon! Enjoy this chapter!

Song: Mirrors - Justin Timberlake (The full version is much better than the short one give it a listen if you'd like!)

~Layla's POV~

Everything has been so amazing. We've visited Oliver as much as we can and no Brendon is practicing to go on tour since the new album did and is still doing great. But of course things just aren't allowed to go right from me. I am currently tied to a chair in what I'm guessing is a basement but I can't really tell since there's a bag on my head. And for the record, it smells absolutely disgusting. My mental list of who could have kidnapped me is way too long unfortunately but I've eliminated some options. The only person I can think of doing this would be that dick I sold drugs for a short amount of time which was a bad idea on my part. You can't really leave a job like that without consequences but I still did so what can you do? The bag was ripped from my face and I blinked heavily a couple times to adjust to the bright light in the room. As my sight adjusted a saw a face I've never seen before, He was tall, scary buff, and dark skinned.

"Good morning, may I ask why I'm here and who I'm here for?" Saying that earned a backhand from badass buff guy and I groaned.

"If you're gonna hit me at least take your rings off what the fuck dude! I mean I guess you have to keep them on since you kinda hit like a bitch." That earned me another backhand on the other side of my face. Me and my big fucking mouth always get me into some kind of trouble.

"Where is he?" The man spat out.

"Ah! So big buff speaks? Can you elaborate please? I don't know this 'he' you're referring too." He looked like he wanted to hit me again which is pretty understandable, that saying 'words may never hurt you' doesn't apply to me, its all about the tone of voice and the way you say the words to get someone to really crack and cry like a baby, can't say I haven't learned anything from prison.

"I was told to kidnap you and get information about Oliver." This had my blood boiling, I could probably snap the rope from my anger but letting it show would give off to many hints so I simply kept a straight face and hid my emotions.

"Awwww. Whose my secret admirer?" Another backhand, which on my part was not fair at all, my statement was only somewhat bitchy.

"Look dude I haven't seen that little mistake since I gave birth to him and had him sent off to some adoption agency. You don't really get to raise kids in prison. I have no idea where he is, he could be in Thailand for all I care." This was obviously a lie but I was hoping it wasn't to obvious to big buff. He chuckled and grabbed my phone off a table in the room.

"Why don't we just see if you're telling the truth? I'm sure if you've seen him recently there would be pictures." I mentally cursed myself and sighed. He walked behind my to get my thumb print of the phone. God dammit Apple you had to be cool and get finger scanners. I tried my best to curl my fingers up and away from him but he eventually got it to unlock. I waited silently and heard laughter.

"Wow Layla! Some of these are a little slutty! Must be for Brendon right?" I simply ignored him and took deep breaths to keep from saying something stupid.

"Ah what's this?" He showed me the picture he had found, Oliver and I posing in the ocean which was taken about a month ago. I kept silent and looked down to push tears back.

"The location says Barbados! I knew I heard some island accent in that pretty voice of yours! Johnny will be happy to hear about this." I could tell by his face he wasn't meant to say that but I was to torn to care, Johnny is Oliver's father and he was in prison for breaking and entering plus attempted murder, but somehow he was out and looking for Oli.

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