Chapter 15

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A/N: couldn't really find a song to fit this chapter. If ya got any suggestions I'll come back and add it in :)

It had been a few days since I told Brendon what I did and he's been very quiet. We haven't talked much and I gave him his space. I had enrolled Oliver in a school close to the house and he really didn't like it. He felt like the outcast and he barely had any friends. I tried talking to his teachers and they all just said he was shy, so nobody talked to him. I tried working on his social skills, going to local parks but he mainly just chased Crystal around. I was tanning by the pool while Brendon swam with the kids. I was on my phone buying Christmas gifts off amazon, considering Christmas was in a few weeks.

"Hey guys what do you want for lunch? Brendon?" I questioned. Brendon looked up at me with a blank face.

"I don't really care." He went back to playing with the kids and I sighed. Ever since I told him, every answer was short and I was starting to get angry with him.

"Yeah, it seems like you really don't care." He looked at me slightly irritated and I got off my chair, going into the house. I cooked the kids and I some mac n cheese with bacon, and made Brendon a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, with about ten times more peanut butter than jelly, just to be extra. I walked out holding the food on a tray and set it on the picnic table we had, calling them to get out of the pool and come eat. I wrapped Crystal in a towel and set her in her chair so she could eat and Oliver sat next to me on the bench, digging in. Brendon sat across from me and I plopped his sandwich in front of him, the plate making a loud noise on the table. I sat and dug into my food, enjoying the taste.

"I don't get your special mac n cheese?" I didn't bother to look up at Brendon and held back a sigh.

"You said you didn't care, so you got a sandwich." I knew he rolled his eyes but he started eating his sandwich and I held back loud laughs when I herd him smacking on the large amounts of peanut butter.

"Did you put any jelly on this thing?" I dropped my spoon in bowl and looked up, glaring and crossing my arms.

"If you don't like it, don't fucking eat it." I snapped and he rolled his eyes again.

"Don't fuckin eat!" Crystal shouted with food in her mouth. I rubbed my temples and sighed.

"Great parenting Lay." That brought tears to my eyes easily, considering how insecure I was about my parenting but I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of my tears, so I got up and grabbed my half full bowl.

"It is great parenting, considering I've been with them longer than you have, you bitch." I stormed into the house and tossed my bowl in the sink angrily, most likely breaking it. I stormed upstairs and slammed our door shut, collapsing in bed and yelling into my pillow. I stayed like that for about and hour, I heard Brendon washing the kids and putting a movie on for them in their play room down the hall. I pretended to be asleep when he came in, facing away from him.

"Lay, stop faking and get up. Make sure Crystal doesn't tear the house apart while I shower." I rolled my eyes and pulled my body out of bed, not looking at him when I walked out. I walked into the okay room and sat one the small couch we had in there, wrapping one arm around Oliver who was watching the movie and playing on his IPad Brendon got him while Crystal ran around the room getting into whatever she could find. I sat with them for a few hours, watching movies and playing until dinner time rolled around. I ordered pizza for us and made sure to get a salad for Brendon to be petty. We sat in the living room now, watching a different movie while eating our pizza. Brendon sat on the opposite side of the couch from me and ate his salad, and occasionally bites of pizza Oliver offered him. I felt him glare at me every once and a while but I ignored it, saving my anger for the fight that was destined to happen. After dinner and the movie I ushered the kids upstairs and put Crystal to bed while Brendon put Oliver down to sleep. I went downstairs and put the leftover pizza away when Brendon walked in.

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