The End Of All Things 2

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A/N: HOME GIRL PASSED HER FINALS!!! ok so this is the very last chapter (unless I post alternative endings and fluffy/smutty extras which I most likely will) but I hope you enjoy!

After Brendon saw me he held me like it was the last thing he'd ever do. Thirty minutes later Oliver came in and jumped on the bad happily and wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm sorry, you said to wait until you and daddy finished talking but I missed you too much." My heart fluttered when Oliver called Brendon dad and I held him close. We cuddled until Crystal slammed the door open and jumped on my body causing me to cringe from all the cuts and bruises, plus my sprained wrist. We took a much needed family nap holding each other close.

When we woke up I started making dinner since it was christmas eve and I figured a good meal would be nice. Brendon was watching Elf with the kids and Zack (since he was still here for some reason) while I set the table. I put a good helping of roasted chicken with potatoes as a side on everybody's plate. I called them in and we all sat to eat. Crystal and Oliver were in their own important conversation about santa while Brendon held my hand tightly.

"How did you escape? What was up with the house fire?" I shook my head and ate my food.

"Not now Brendon." He nodded and continued eating. After dinner Zack went into the living room to continue watching the movie with the kids. Brendon and I followed after finishing the dishes. We finished the movie a while later and started getting ready for bed. I saw Brendon grab something from the front door and put it in his pocket. I was standing in front of the tree looking at him and then to Zack, who was recording me with his phone.

"What are you doing?" I chuckled in confusion and silenced myself when I saw Brendon on one knee in front of me. Crystal screamed in joy and Oliver clapped excitedly.

"Layla, you are without a doubt the craziest, prettiest, smartest girl I've ever met and you've brought me and showed me everything I never knew I needed. Two beautiful children to love with all out hearts is one thing and you're my muse for absolutely everything. It would mean everything to me if you would become my wife?" I pushed tears back and nodded my head quickly. He smiled and slipped the ring on my not sprained hand and wrapped his arm around me. He reached into his pocket again and pulled out a mistletoe and raised it above our heads. I chuckled and grabbed his face with both my hands and kissed him passionately. Oliver made a gag noise and I pulled away with a laugh. We separated and Brendon thanked Zack for filming it and we sent him home with a couple presents we got him. I then helped Oliver and Crystal set up a little plate of cookies and a glass of milk. I tucked in Crystal while Brendon tucked in Oliver and we met up in the living room to set up the gifts for the kids.

"Are you ready to tell me what happened?" I sighed and played with the ring on my finger, already developing a new habit. I started to explain what happened while we put presents under the tree.

"Well I had gotten myself free by spraining my wrist and when I had a chance I started a fire with some rocks and newspaper. There was a gas heater in the basement I was in so obviously I blew the shit up. I ran hard and fast as soon as I dropped the flaming paper on the heater and I barely made it. Damon was inside and I don't know if he lived or not. What I do know is that there was another girl in the house, his girlfriend or something." Brendon sighed.

"She died. I found where you were being kept and when I got there the building was burned and they had a woman's body sealed up. I think he's still out there." I nodded and started adjusting the presents.

"Well if police were involved he definitely fled, we should be ok. We can focus on better things like wedding planning, and maybe... making our family bigger?" I looked up slowly and saw him grinning from ear to ear.

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