Chapter 13

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Song: Beautiful Little Fools - Jorja Smith

A/N: Sorry for any grammar errors, I didn't feel like editing whoops.

When I woke up there was a note on my nightstand from Brendon. It was basically a goodbye for now since he didn't want to wake us up when he left early this morning. I sighed and realized it would be a month before I see him again. I gently moved Oliver's small body off of me and covered the blanket back on him and Crystal. It was still pretty early and I didn't need to wake up Oliver for school for about an hour. I walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge, seeing a bag from Panera, I smiled knowing Brendon went out of his way to get us breakfast. I grabbed the bag and heated up the chocolate croissants for the kids and I. After I finished I set the plates on the counter and started eating mine while scrolling through Instagram. Some panic fans follow me but I realized tons more had followed me recently and I'm not really sure why. I scrolled through my dash and saw Gwen's photo of her in Brendon. I smiled and liked it and scrolled onto the exact same photo. It was one where you scroll to see more photos attached and I sighed. The second photo in the set was a picture of Oliver in the apartment on his first day of school from my Instagram. The caption was freaking out in all caps about how Brendon was in my apartment because the picture was taken in the same room. I pressed on the fan account and saw more pictures explaining how Gwen was my babysitter and they had theories about why Brendon was here and it made me anxious. Brendon and I didn't confirm anything relationship wise, and the fandom making up these mostly true theories doesn't make things easier.

"Morning momma." Oliver walked into the room where I was sitting at the counter while rubbing his eyes.

"Morning baby." I got up and kissed his forehead then handed him his plate with the chocolate croissant on it. He smiled and sat on the couch, digging into his breakfast. I giggled and watched him eat. Eventually, Crystal stumbled out of my room while rubbing her eyes with her little fists. She walked up to Oliver and snatched his croissant from his hands. Oliver didn't put up much of a fight and usually never did, he was a good big brother because he knew Crystal was a diva. I grabbed the croissant and gave it to Oliver then gave her the other plate before she could start crying. She sat silently, content with her food. After breakfast we did our usual routine. This is when everybody in the house scrambles, we have ten minutes before we need to be at the bus stop and of course Oliver hasn't gotten dressed and Crystal refuses to clean up her toys.

"Oliver! Why aren't you dressed? I told you to be dressed and ready five minutes ago!" He just shrugged and sat next to Crystal who was watching videos on my phone.

"Oliver, that doesn't mean sit down and relax it means get up and get dressed!" We know had eight minutes and I realized I was still in underwear and a t-shirt. I rushed into my bedroom and pulled on some jeans from my floor and didn't even bother with a bra or makeup. I rushed out while tying my hair up in a messy bun and putting my shoes on. I looked up to see Oliver with a long sleeved shirt on that was both backwards and inside out. I didn't have enough time to fix it so I quickly put his jacket on and helped him with his backpack. After putting Crystals jacket on and slipping into my own, we rushed out of the apartment with me holding Crystal with one arm and holding Oliver's hand with my other. We ran down the street to the bust stop just in time... to see the bus driving away from us. I groaned and some of the parents looked at us with sympathy. I knew Oliver had missed to many classes from us being late in the mornings and I wasn't going to let it happen again. The kids get to the school early to mingle and get some breakfast in the cafeteria and I knew that was going to buy us time to get there.

"Okay Oliver, don't let go of my hand and stay close. We aren't going to be late today." He nodded and we began running down the street. I was already tired from holding Crystal in my arms but I kept pushing until I could see the school. It took about ten minutes of sprinting, but we made it in time, breathing very heavy. I gave Oliver a giant kiss on the cheek and ushered him into the school, all while holding a laughing Crystal. She apparently thought the running was funny. I turned around to begin walking home and was met with a full face of plastic surgery. One of the PTA moms was standing in front of me with her little followers being her, what is this high school? They always gave me a hard time about being a single mom and probably for being a stripper but she never said it directly.

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