Chapter 10

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Song: All Night - Beyonce (The music video is super beautiful and it makes me cry every time. With if you'd like!)

A/N: I had hecka writers block with this chapter so it's a little short and probably boring and badly detailed. My bad, better chapter next time. Enjoy!

~Layla's POV~

Everybody eventually left the party and returned home at around 3am. I spent about twenty minutes trying to clean up but I was basically sleep walking so I dragged my body up the stairs into our bedroom. I turned on the bed side table to see what I'm doing and I almost screamed at the unknown figure on my side of the bed. I yank the blanket back and see Brendon and Sarah cuddled up all close, half naked. I push back tears and take a deep breath before smacking the shit out of Sarah, so hard my hand turned bright red. She and Brendon both shot up as the noise echoed through the room. It was quiet for a moment while Brendon looked at Sarah and then me. His eyes widened.

"Layla I can explain, please let me explain." I grit my teeth and shook my head no. I grabbed a duffle from the closet and started throwing random things I figured I'd need in the bag. I knew I had enough money to get down to Louisiana with my mom and Oliver so that's where I'm going. Me being the petty person I am, I realized that things just didn't add up and there was no way Sarah could have slept with Brendon in his drunk state, but I kept packing. No going back now. Sarah slowly pulled herself out of bed, put on her shorts and top before silently leaving. I knew she was drunk last night which is probably why she tried to sleep with Brendon, so I'm grateful she left without a fight. Brendon was trying to get me to stop packing and I just ignored him, until he yanked the bag from me and tossed me on the bed.

"Brendon what the hell?!" I yelled and crossed my arms.

"Layla listen, I was drunker than drunk itself last night. She came in the room, I thought it was you since I was drunk and it was dark and all we did is kiss I think. I blacked out after that. Please believe me." I kept my arms crossed and refused to make eye contact. I believed him but I was still mad at Sarah and that anger was just bubbling. Brendon's stare burned a whole in my head but I still wouldn't look at him. I took a very deep breath and closed my eyes.

"Go roll me one and I'll forgive you. I really can't be bothered with all of this at the moment." I rubbed my temples as Brendon left the room. I truly believed he didn't cheat but it still didn't feel good to see him and Sarah in bed together. I spent the time waiting for my joint to start packing our stuff for tour since we leave tomorrow morning. Eventually Brendon came back and handed me the neatly wrapped joint. I leaned closer to him while he lit it and shivered at how close we were. I pulled away and took a long drag. Brendon pulled our suitcases out from the closet and opened them up on the floor. I chuckled at the size of mine.

"What's so funny?"

"You really think all my stuff is going in there? I need a bag for toiletries and makeup, don't forget I'm packing all of my shoes and several formal outfits just incase." I took another deep inhale and Brendon's eyes widened.

"Layla I don't think you'll need all that." I rolled my eyes.

"Brendon this tour is for three months! I need everything!" I finished my joint after a few minutes and got to packing. Brendon put some music on the speaker in our room and we both packed our own bags. After about two hours of singing and dancing (plus eating a whole family sized bag of chips) Brendon and I had finished packing and were laying in bed. I had calmed down from the whole Sarah incident but he knew I was still somewhat mad about it so he didn't talk much in fear of making me snap. I knew I'd need to forgive him if I plan on doing what I'm going to do. My plan will most likely be easier if he hates me but we will have to see. Eventually we climb out of bed and trudge downstairs for dinner. Being the lazy people we are, we ordered pizza and laid on the couch watching Dave Chappelle stand up. After eating we went to bed early since we need to wake up at three in the morning to get on the tour bus.

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