Chapter 9

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Song: Fake Love - Drake

~Layla's POV~

After Brendon's 'proposal' I wasn't going to lie I felt scared and nervous. I have no doubt in my mind that I want to marry him but I strongly feel he will regret marrying me in the long run. Even though these thoughts crossed my mind I still spent most of my time scrolling through Pinterest and adding things to my wedding board. I was so amazingly happy with living my new life, I'm in love, and my family is somewhat safe, and I'm actually truly happy.

After pinning about thirty wedding color schemes to my board, I got off the couch and decided to clean up a bit. I went to the kitchen and connected my phone to the speakers on the walls. Ever since Panic released their new album Brendon has been telling me to listen and I have, I didn't like the style of it when I first heard it and he thinks my mind will change, which it most definitely has. Knowing how cocky he is, I've kept my obsession secret and continued to play R&B around him but whenever he leaves I play his music. I basically scream the lyrics to Emperor's New Clothes while washing the dishes. I even made my voice go all high pitched for the "finders keepers, losers weepers" part which was honestly my favorite. I grab a wooden spoon from the sink and hit those high notes which is close to impossible. I stop suddenly when I hear chuckling behind me. I turn and throw the spoon and Brendon's stomach and cross my arms.

"Aww Layla likes Pannnnnic." He teases with his phone up. I snatch it from him and try to delete the video he took but he pulled it out of my hands with much difficulty. I pretended to be mad while he showered my face with kisses.

"Don't be mad because you love me." He laughed and I cracked a smile. He threw me over his shoulder and carried me to the couch where he collapsed with me on his back. After getting situated and flipping myself off him to sit right he opened my laptop and started searching something on youtube.

"Here this will make you feel better." He played a video titled Girls/Girls/Boys and I stopped my jaw from dropping with much difficulty. He just smiled and chuckled quietly at my shocked face. About a minute into the video I shut my laptop and looked at him.

"Brendon this is softcore porn." We held eye contact for a few seconds silently before we busted out laughing. We were basically wheezing from losing air and when we calmed down we just started laughing again.

After the laughing fit we cuddled and watched some Marvel movies until Brendon stood and stretched.

"Dan is picking me up soon we are gonna go with the band to get some drinks to celebrate but I wont be home late, I'll be back by like 8pm at the latest." I stood and pecked his lips gently.

"Sounds good baby. Have fun and be safe." We kissed all the way to the door and I ushered him out. As soon as I shut the door I texted the party planning group chat. The chat consisted of all the wives of the band members plus Spencer and Linda. I texted them to come to the house to start preparing for the surprise party for the guys. Dan was our guy on the inside and thats why he is picking all the guys up instead of driving individually. It was about 4pm and I knew we had time to decorate. I went into the storage closet and pulled out all the decorations I had hidden. I started with putting balloons everywhere I could until my party crew came with the rest of the stuff.

Soon enough, Breezy came with a trunk full of alcohol to set up in the backyard and Linda and Spencer came with all the food and snacks which was very important. Kenneth's wife Victoria came in with the giant cake with the album cover on it and we got to setting up. We hung lights by the pool, set up the food inside and the drinks outside, put on Spencer's party playlist loud enough to blow the house up, put all important things away and locked the bedroom door. Soon we all had drinks in our hands and were waiting for people to arrive. It was about 7pm when we finished so people had already started showing up. I don't know that many of Brendon's friends so I had Spencer invite everyone and when I mean everyone I mean a small army showed up. Once I received the text that Brendon was on his way home I had everybody hide in the back yard and I waited out front. Dan's car pulled up and the guys hopped out.

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