Chapter 16

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Song: Stay - Rihanna

A/N: sorry 4 grammar errors whoooooops

~Brendon's POV~

I was currently trying to rip all my medical wires off my body while laying in my hospital bed but it's not as easy as it looks in movies. After that man, Damon, took Layla the police arrived from hearing the gunshot and brought an ambulance with them. The police officers took Crystal in their car to be safe and brought her to the hospital where Oliver and I already were. Zack and Dallon where here as well sleeping, Oliver was asleep in Dallon's arms and Crystal was asleep in in Zack's. I was trying to rip the cords out because I needed to get to Layla desperately. I tried yanking on my IV but it hurt like a bitch so I decided laying and staring at the ceiling was a better option. I was itching to get out of this hospital considering my arm was fine, well, not really but the rest of my body is fine enough. The bullet broke up into several fragments in my arm and I had a five hour surgery to get them out and even after the surgery, it still feels like it's on fire, despite the many pain killers I was on.

"Brendon? What are you doing dude?" Zack questioned, rubbing his eye with his free hand.

"I was trying to get out of this god damn hospital." I growled.

"Brendon, you got out of surgery half an hour ago. You need rest, the police are looking to find Layla right now and they'll probably be here to question you so don't feel like you're worthless, you'll be able to help her by telling the police what happened." I nodded, biting my finger nails anxiously, wondering if I should tell them about Johnny or not. It might help them find her but I can't have her put away for murder. I figured I'd leave that part out, I wouldn't lie, I just wouldn't include that fact. As if on cue, two police officers walked in, most likely detectives.

"Good morning sir, I'm detective Stabler and this is my partner detective Benson. We're here to ask a few questions about your girlfriend. I nodded and looked to Zack. He got the hint and nudged Dallon with his elbow. They both got up and carried the kids out, most likely to the waiting room or to the cafeteria. The girl, detective Benson, opened a note pad while the other one started talking.

"Can you just tell me all the details of what happened before and during the kidnapping Mr. Urie?" I nodded and started playing with my fingers.

"Well uh, Layla and I had gotten in a fight and we uh, had sex and she made me sleep on the couch. She went upstairs to bed and I was asleep for about twenty minutes before I heard glass break. I assumed she must have knocked her glass of water onto the floor so I went back to sleep until I heard Oliver, my son, crying. I ran up and there was a man holding Oliver in one arm and pointing a gun at Layla. She convinced him to put Oliver down and he forced us to the living room where he hit her once. I tried to stop him and thats when I got shot." The man nodded.

"What was your fight about? And how did she convince the man to put Oliver down, clearly he wanted something from you." I knew I had to think of something on the spot since our argument was how she killed Johnny and I sighed, hoping this wouldn't matter to much to the investigation.

"Well- okay, Layla killed Oliver's father, Johnny in self defense, he raped her and she defended herself. His brother was the one who broke in and attempted to take Oliver. She uh gave in willingly and went with him after I got shot. We had a fight about her killing him and I regret it. T-this won't get her in trouble when we find her right? This all happened in Barbados too, doesn't that mean she can't get convicted here?" I cracked under pressure and both detectives seemed slightly shocked from my outburst and detective Benson spoke up.

"She won't be in trouble if it truly was self defense and we can't convict her in the United States, so don't worry. Thank you for being honest Mr. Urie, it'll really help us. We'll keep in touch." I nodded and they left. I let out a breath that I had been holding in and closed my eyes. I was relieved since I thought confessing was a bad idea, but I needed Layla to be safe, even if that meant prison.

~Layla's POV~

Torture. I had barely been wherever I am for more than a few hours, but those few hours have been hell. I had been kicked, punched, cut and slapped numerous times. I watched as he did these things to me, since he took my blindfold off. I was in a dark basement with no windows and no direct path of escape. It was completely empty despite my bowl full of what I assume is dog food. It had been about ten minutes since Damon has been down to hurt me again, and I was looking for anything to get me out of here. I had my hands tied with rope but I was able to freely move my hands from the pole they were tied to. Eating the disgusting food was a struggle, but I managed. The only way I'd be able to get out of these is by breaking one of my wrists to slip through. I saved that option for when I was truly desperate and spent most of my time attempting to untie the not with my toes. With no luck I groaned and hit the floor with my fists. I needed to get out of here and get back to my family but it didn't look like I would be so lucky in doing so this time. The blood from my cuts and bruises was everywhere, and it gave me an idea. As gross as it was, I rolled my hands in it as much as I could, hoping it would manage to get one hand out of the rope. It was tight but I think it might work. I wiggled my hands quickly, efficiently giving me rope burn and the blood smell also making me nauseous. I heard a sickening crack and I bit my lip as a few tears slipped out. I either broke or sprain my right wrist but it came out of the rope so I didn't care. I heard the door to the basement open and I quickly slipped my hand in the rope, which was looser now. I groaned as I did, since my hand was basically pulsing in pain.

"Here, bitch." Damon tossed more wet dog food into the bow and I growled.

"I don't want this shit." He clenched his jaw and kicked me in the stomach. I heard more cracking and new he had broken a rib. I screamed out in pain. I knew I couldn't hold out much longer and could feel myself slipping out of consciousness.

~Brendon's POV~

It had been an hour. These cops are bad at doing their job, I thought of a way to find Layla and I didn't have their number so I'd have to do it myself. I sent Crystal and Oliver home with Zack and spent the hour in the hospital bed waiting to get out. As soon as I signed the papers, I grabbed my painkillers with the one hand that wasn't in a sling and had Dallon drive me back to my house. He offered to stay with me but I told him to get home to his kids. After he left I sat in the bedroom with Layla's phone in my hand. I looked at the pictures of her and Crystal in Barbados. I remember her telling me the first time she took Crystal there was when Johnny died. I googled the newspaper that day for Barbados and read through the obituaries. Johnny's name was listed, it had been murder so I knew it was him. Apparently murder wasn't good enough for the cover page but I didn't think much of it. I googled Damon's name with the same last name that was written next to Johnny's. I found a link to his Facebook and started my search. I went through his page for about forty minutes, looking for something to help me. I found a picture of his car, the idiot showing his plate tag. It took me about two hours, but I bought an illegal to some website that can track plate tags. I found the address and sprang out of bed, grabbing my keys and phones, running to the car. Driving with only my non dominant hand might not be the best idea but I did anyways. It took me a good amount of time but when I got there, the house I was looking for had erupted into flames. I sat, silently, praying she wasn't inside. I got out of the car and walked up to the fire fighter that was talking to a police officer.

"Sir, is there someone inside? Are there any detectives here?!" I was practically yelling, my heart racing fast.

"Uh, well sir we can't tell you that at the moment." I growled.

"I think this is the house my girlfriend has been held captive in, please tell me. I'm begging you." He could see the fear and worry in my eyes. He opened his mouth to speak but I looked behind him and saw two paramedics wheeling someone out in a body bag. I ran past police and under the police tape. I ran up to the paramedics with tears strolling down my face.

"P-please let me see, I need to know if it's my girlfriend, please!" The noticed none of the cops had stopped me and gave each other a look. The girl unzipped the bag slightly. I looked at the completely burnt black, hairless body. I couldn't tell if it was her or not, it was basically a piece of charcoal.

"Sir, we need to get this to forensics so they can identify the body, if it's your girlfriend, we will reach out to you." I dropped to the grass and rubbed my temples. That body could be Layla or she could still be missing. I was so clueless and it hurt so bad.


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