The End Of All Things 1

61 2 7

Song: Sure Thing - Miguel

A/N: didn't edit so sorry

~Brendon's POV~

I was focused on turning the beacon over to fry perfectly since I had already burnt the pancakes. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs so I turned around, seeing Layla's beautiful face and her usually black hair. She was holding a little girl and smiling wide.

"Good morning Mr. Urie." She pecked my lips and I smiled.

"Morning Mrs. Urie." I kissed her again and stopped when I heard gagging. I turned and saw who I assumed was Oliver, he had to be at least 6'3, towering over me easily. Behind him was Crystal with long hair and way to much makeup on her already beautiful face.

"Can you two not make out where we eat? Nasty." I laughed at Crystal and turned back to look at Layla. We were in a dark room now, all the kids gone. Blood was pouring from her nose and she was crying and shaking. I felt nothing but fear when she spoke.

"You killed me Brendon."

I awoke with tears streaming down my face and my sheets covered in sweat. I'd had the same dream since I saw Layla's burnt body and it was draining me emotionally. Crystal kept asking me about her and I didn't know what to tell her. Oliver stayed quiet and I had been meaning to talk to him about everything that happened. After Layla was taken he came downstairs and found me laying in a puddle of my own blood. Not something a five year old should be seeing. Christmas was also coming in a few days and I knew that would be a chance to distract the kids from everything. I pulled myself out of bed and growled at the pain in my arm. I put the stupid plastic bag over my gunshot and got in the shower, washing all the sweat and tears away. I got out and threw on some clothes which was difficult with my arm but I managed. I walked downstairs and saw Crystal and Oliver in the kitchen.

"What are you two doing?" They both looked up at me like they got caught and I smiled, assuring them that I wasn't mad.

"We are making you breakfast because of your hurt arm." Crystal was on her step stool and Oliver was next to her, making toast and cereal. I kissed them both on the head and lifted Crystal up with one arm. Oliver grabbed the food and moved on the tray, very slowly and carefully carrying it into the living room so we could sit and eat. I set Crystal on the couch and sat next to her. Oliver set the tray down and sat on my other side. I turned on the tv to cartoons and started eating my cereal. Crystal ate her food quickly and picked up my toast and guided it to my mouth. She gave me a stern face and grabbed my jaw with her other hand and opened my mouth.

"Eat." She put the toast in my mouth and I couldn't help but laugh at her. She was stubborn like Layla and determined to make me feel better. I chewed on the burnt toast and thanked her for helping me. We watched cartoons until we finished eating and I helped Oliver clean up while Crystal played.

"What do you guys say to inviting uncle Zack and setting up the christmas tree?" Both of them nodded excitedly and I texted Zack quickly. I went to the garage and dragged the fake tree inside. I went back to the garage to get the ornaments and lights and when I came back Oliver already had the base of the tree started and the instructions in his hands.

"Hey Einstein, lets wait for Zack so you don't hurt yourself okay? Some of the poles are heavy." He nodded and went to play with Crystal. Zack walked in a few minutes later with two large presents under his arms. We all said hi and he set the presents next to the tree and helped us set up. Crystal circled us while we worked on the tree and yelled out orders. She reminded me so much of Layla it hurt a little. We finished setting up the tree and started with the ornaments. I had Sinatra christmas music on and everything was relaxed. I hid my pain from them but it was starting to become harder and harder. The police still hasn't updated me about the body and my girlfriend could still be out there in pain. I tried to push the thought aside and kept decorating. I put Crystal on my shoulders despite my arm and helped her put the star on top. I set her down and she admired her work with her hands on her hips. I smiled and plugged the lights in.

"Look at that guys! Now thats a famous Urie tree if I've ever seen one!" Zack and the kids smiled and I sat on the couch. We had been decorating for about three hours to make sure everything on the tree was perfect, including some extra decorations around the house. It was about Crystals nap time and I knew she was about to get fussy. I picked her up with one arm and started carrying her to her room. She yanked on my hair and screamed right into my ear.

"Crystal it's nap time please stop being difficult." She let more big tears fall and took quick breaths.

"Want mommy! I miss her I want her!" Tears filled my eyes and I tried my best to push them back. I set her down in her little bed and put the blanket over her body. She fussed and I quietly left the room, knowing she'd be out in a few minutes. I went to my room and collapsed onto my bed, holding back sobs. I sat up and put my head in my hands, trying to pull myself together.

"What's wrong? Did you really think I was going to miss Christmas? Not a chance in hell!" I snapped my head up and looked to see my girlfriend. At first I thought it was just a hallucination but she was standing right in front of me now. I put a hand on her was and laid my head into her stomach, crying my eyes out. She had bandages wrapped around her wrist and hand and had scratches and bruises everywhere from what I could see.

"I've missed you so much Brendon."

"I thought I killed you."

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