Chapter 7

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A/N: so um. hey. Yeah there Isn't much for me to say but sorry. It has been literally like months since I have updated, but after writing this chapter, I'm not really sure why that is. I really enjoy writing and will try to keep doing so but sorry in advance if I don't.

Recap: Layla and Brendon are going to Barbados to meet Oliver, Layla's son.


~Layla's POV~

It took a lot of convincing and talking but I finally got Brendon to agree to flying down to Barbados to see Oliver. He was stressed because the new album coming out soon, the money for the plane tickets, and he was nervous about meeting Oliver since we weren't in to serious of a relationship. Do I think we sped into the relationship a tad? Yes, totally. But that doesn't change the fact that I love him. I have been completely losing my mind over meeting Oliver. There was a reason he lived with my mother so far away, and it was because I am unfit to be a mother, I do terrible things, things mothers shouldn't be doing but I'm trying to live a normal life to create a safe environment to possibly take Oliver home.

Brendon had been relatively quiet on the flight, doing work on his laptop and listening to music, basically blocking me out. It's obvious he is just as nervous as me because he hates sitting in silence. My hallucinations have started back up again, they aren't very serious, just things I think I see and hear. My hallucinations are like a form of anxiety, when I feel nervous my mind starts to platy tricks on me but I ignore them as best I can. I spend majority of the flight staring out the window, taking in the beautiful sight of the dark blue water and the fluffy clouds in the sky.

We did the routine airport checks when the plane landed and then we left airport smiling. We hopped in a cab while talking about the weather, pretending we both weren't scared to meet Oliver. The cab stopped in front of the house I haven't seen in years. I took a deep breath and got out after paying the driver. We grabbed our bags and headed towards the door.

"Listen Brendon, my mother is a very... Opinionated person so don't take anything she says to heart and for the love of god please don't stand up for me at all ok? It will only make things worse." He nodded after taking in the information and I knocked on the door while taking a deep breath. The door opened and I smiled slightly as I saw my mother.

"Hi mom, I cam-" A loud slap sounded as she hit me across the face. Rude. I held my face slightly and didn't bother looking at Brendon because I could feel him staring at me.

"Mom I'm sorry ok? I came to see him, it's not fair to keep him away from me!" I was already very irritated at this point.

"Layla, you are a drug addict, a thief, a whore, and a terrible mother! You really think I'm going to let you see him? And who is he?!" Her island accent boomed. I rubbed my temples with a sigh.

"Mom this is Brendon my boyfriend, I love him and he came all the way out here with me to meet Oliver. Please just let us in." She stared at us both for a moment before sighing and moving to the side.

"He's sleeping, be quiet." Brendon and I walked in and set our bags on the floor.

"I am not your maid, take those bags to your room and unpack." I rolled my eyes.

"Mom we are going to stay in a hotel." She put her hands on her hips and gave me a look.

"You think thats how you're going to get to know your son? If you want to spend time with him spend time with him!" I sighed and pulled Brendon to my old room with our bags. As soon as the door was shut, he let out a breath.

"I think she's the scariest woman I've ever met." I chuckled and started unpacking our bags while he looked at the photos I had placed around my room. Luckily, he didn't say anything about the interaction between my mother and I. After we unpacked our clothes and put them in the empty drawers we both collapsed on the bed, tired from our flight. It was about 2:30 and we were also both starving.

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