Chapter 4

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Song: Crazy - Cee Lo Green

~Layla's POV~

I woke up next to a sleeping Brendon with a smile on my face. All we did last night was eat Chinese takeout, talk and watch movies. No sex. I was happy because we were actually becoming something, not just sex buddies. I was wearing one of his tank tops and I still smelt like chlorine from being thrown in the pool but it reminded me of the great kiss we shared. I have no clue what I feel when I'm with Brendon but all I know is that it feels great, like I can tell him anything without being judged and I can be comfortable and myself around him. I love this feeling. Brendon stirred a bit and threw his arm over me and pulled me to his chest.

"Morning my pretty lady." He said with a groggy morning voice that he still managed to make cute.

"Good morning." I said, snuggling into him. We sat like that for a while, him being the big spoon and playing with strands of my thick hair. Suddenly he sat up and took me with him.

"Can you tell me more about yourself Layla?" I looked at him curiously and sat criss cross on the bed.

"You pretty much know about all of me, I told you last night."

"But you never told me about your past or your family."

"That's because I have neither of those things." I said, looking down at my fingers.

"Why not? Daddy issues or something? I think most strippers have those." I gave him my irritated face and rolled my eyes.

"Strippers are people too not just stereotypes, if you wanna know so bad my step-mom murdered my father out of anger, right in front of me, and my real mother won't talk to me anymore because she thinks I'm a disgrace to my family, happy?" Tears were in my eyes as I stepped off the bed and walked into the bathroom, locking the door. I stared into the mirror forcing myself not to cry like a child, I wasn't raised to cry over unimportant things.

"Layla I'm sorry just please open the door." Brendon was trying to twist the knob but I ignored it.

"I didn't men to be rude and hurt your feelings just please open the door." I groaned and swung open the door.

"Just forget anything happened ok? Let's get some breakfast." I tried to walk past him but he grabbed my arm.

"Layla talk to me." And that's when the dam broke, I sat on the bed and told Brendon everything, How my step mother murdered my father in a brutal argument and forced me to watch, how my mother refused to talk to me no matter how many times I've tried contacting her and just generally how shitty my life is. After I finished talking Brendon pulled me close and held me.

"I'm so sorry Layla." I just buried my face in his neck and closed my eyes.

"I really don't think you should work at the club anymore, or live in that apartment, it's not very safe." Brendon said, breaking the silence. It was a bit random but I pulled away to look at him.

"I can't, I don't have money Im not just going to quit my job." Even though honestly, I wish I could.

"Live with me, I can help you find a job and we can be roommates." I was taken back a bit.

"Seriously? You want me to live with you?" He nodded ecstatically, almost like a little kid and it was adorable.

"Ok I'll pack up my stuff then, can you drive me there?"

"Of course! Let's go."

~Twenty Minutes Later~

I had packed most of my stuff up quickly since I didn't have much and left all my furniture. Brendon was carrying one of my suitcases and I was carrying the other. As we exited the apartment my landlord approached me.

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