Chapter 2

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Warning: This fic is kinda dark and there is violence and blood in this chapter. There will be more of it in future chapters so don't read if you don't want to. Also no hate to Sarah she's awesome. Enjoy!

Song: Some kind of drug - G-Eazy

Brendon's POV

I'm such a fucking idiot! I cant believe I left my phone downstairs for her to find. I was pacing my bedroom calling Sarah and leaving tons of messages and I settled for calling her mom. As soon as she answered all I could hear was screaming about how I didn't deserve her daughter and how much she hated me.

"Please ma'am I need to talk to Sarah!" And then she hung up. Great. After about two hours of leaving Sarah a ton of messages I texted Layla my address so she could drop my wallet off, I figured I would have to see her no matter what to get my wallet back. I walked to my bathroom and quickly freshened up then put on some clean clothes. Then, the doorbell rang.

~Layla's POV~

Holy shit! How much money does this guy have? His house is gorgeous. He opens the door wearing a tank top and skinny jeans. The first thing I see is a giant picture of Frank Sinatra, The guy has some weird taste in music but I don't judge.

"So why did you hang up on me earlier? Bad reception?" I turned to look at him and he had a frown on his face.

"My fiancee picked up." My jaw dropped.

"Brendon I am so sorry! I shouldn't have called this is all my faul-

"Don't say that Layla I shouldn't have slept with you in the first place it was all a mistake." Ok that hurt a tiny bit even though Ive gotten those exact words millions of times. I could see the tears in his eyes and I opened my arms. We hugged on his couch for what felt like forever until we heard the door open.

"Brendon we need to ta- oh wow this must be Layla I'm guessing?" I look up to see a girl with nice brown hair and tan skin. Brendon couldn't even say anything from shock and I stood up quickly.

"Hi yea thats me, look Brendon is an amazing guy and last night was an accident we were both drunk and high from whatever we took and it was all a mistake! Clearly you can see he feels terrible." I tired my hardest to make her understand but I guess it wasn't working because she scoffed at me.

"Just from looking at you I can tell you're a cheap slut and you have his wallet! You just want his money not his love!" She did not just say that to me.

"Ok first of all, I never said I loved him second of all, Im giving him his wallet thats why Im here."

"Oh really? Is that why you two were snuggling on the couch?" She was red in the face from anger and I didn't know what to say anymore. Suddenly Brendon stood up.

"Sarah can we please just talk and work this out?"

"Yeah sure, When the whore leaves." I just stared at her with hatred, how dare she?

"Sarah you don't need to call her that she didn't do anything!" Brendon said. He's standing up for me? No one has ever done that before, what was he thinking?

"You're defending her now?!" Sarah yelled at Brendon. Brendon moved closer.

"Sarah please just-" she raised her hand and smacked him across the face. I have no idea what happened to me but I felt enraged that she would do that to him and I curled my hand into a fist. Brendon held onto his red check as she continued to yell.

"We are over! Never talk to me again! Give this slut the ring for all I care!" She threw her ring at Brendon and I was so close to snapping.

"You are worthless Brendon! Worthless!" And suddenly I slammed my fist into the side of her face and she fell to the floor with a scream.

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